Susan Sarandon voices support for Democrat challenging Pelosi after Speaker defends Biden against rape allegation – IOTW Report

Susan Sarandon voices support for Democrat challenging Pelosi after Speaker defends Biden against rape allegation

lifezette: Both Biden and Pelosi had previously preached about the importance of “believing all women” when now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault two years ago, making a mockery of his confirmation hearings.

Academy Award-winning actress Susan Sarandon just praised the Democrat who is challenging Nancy Pelosi for her congressional seat after the speaker of the house defended presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden from the sexual assault allegations against him.

Sarandon expressed her support for self-described “democratic socialist” Shahid Buttar after Pelosi defended Biden during a Thursday press conference.

“I have complete respect for the whole #MeToo movement,” Pelosi said according to Breitbart News. “There’s also due process, the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden. There have been statements from former employees around his office that there was never any record of this… I am so proud, the happiest day for me this week was to support Joe Biden for president of the United States.” read more

9 Comments on Susan Sarandon voices support for Democrat challenging Pelosi after Speaker defends Biden against rape allegation

  1. Someone says this, someone accuses someone else of that, accusations and claims of all sorts of thing flying around that actually mean nothing.

    I’m getting tired of all this political stuff, it’s nothing but a distraction to keep the people occupied and not seeing what is really going on around them

    I’ve finally come to realize it makes absolutely no difference who is or isn’t elected, we go the same direction with every party and politician from both sides overseeing a greater control of our lives and less and less freedom, to the point that what we once considered rights and freedoms as citizens we are now forced to accept as government granted permissions instead.

    Nothing can be done about it, at least not through our available political system.

  2. Governments tend to centralize.
    That’s just a fact.
    The American Civil War (or War Between the States) was an expression of that precept. Some simply cannot endure the Liberties of others (layer upon layer of hypocrisies sandwiched into this).

    Once we lost our “will” to govern ourselves, and allowed the Legislature to increase the size of each constituency, limiting its membership to 435, and we tossed our sovereignty overboard in exchange for expedience, what followed is natural.
    And when the Several States gave up their representation in that Legislature (by the 17th Amendment to the Constitution) the deal was done, and the American people enslaved themselves to an oligarchy. The “Balance of Power” was forever disrupted – the “Balance” not being, entirely, in three Branches of Government, but also a “balance” among the Central Government, the States, and the People.

    “SUCKERS!” they (probably) cried out. We GAVE it away! They didn’t TAKE it!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I don’t like her politics but at least she is consistent.

    She has called out the most corrupt democrats & rigged leadership campaigns consistently.

    She was anti Hillary and called her “Dangerous” while Ho-Wood was busy endorsing her.

    Kind of lucky Hillary didn’t arcancide her!

  4. holy shit fatman, did Susan Sarandon grow a brain cell, highly unlikely slobbin, she’s just another hollyweirdo that thinks her opinion matters.

  5. Sarandon’s celebrity activism has got to be one of the more opportunistic and confusing in all of the entertainment industry. I guess it’s what you do to fill up the time, make it seem meaningful and to keep your face out there in times of professional drought. It really doesn’t matter which Leftist candidate you back or what Leftist cause you adopt in Hollywood, because the whole industry is Leftist. However, if you really want to up your game, you go further and further Left and become increasingly radical in order to out-perform your competition. They should have an awards ceremony for that!


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