UPDATE: Clear picture of van —Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Clear picture of van —Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

Reports are that the man’s name is allegedly Cesar Sayoc Jr., 56, of Aventura, Florida.

Here’s an interesting entry. Note the date of the alleged Facebook post –

Trump was not president October 8th, 2016. Should we be suspicious?

I haven’t seen a criminal less under the radar since THIS GUY—->

He’s a choreographer and a booking agent for Chippendales? Yes, that is a right-winger if I ever heard one.


This was from Twitter. It is allegedly the same van. Not quite sure. This looks like it was taken in traffic. – bfh

One sticker says Native Americans For Trump.

It seems, if this is the same guy, he has a Native American connection. – bfh



FOX: A suspect was arrested in Florida on Friday morning in connection with the rash of suspicious packages sent to prominent Democrats nationwide, a law enforcement source confirmed to Fox News.

Federal authorities had been focusing on Florida as the location where the majority of packages originated.

“Some of the packages went through the mail,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told Fox News. “They originated, some of them, from Florida. I am confident that this person or people will be brought to justice.”

Several of the packages went through a U.S. postal facility in Opa-locka, Florida. The Miami-Dade County Police Department confirmed Thursday it was helping federal agents who were at the facility as part of the ongoing investigation.  MORE


From a comment at Conservative Treehouse:


SNIP: This is a photo snapped just before authorities threw a tarp over the van.

I blew up the picture as large as I could and I’m not seeing any Trump political stickers like some are claiming. If Trump is on the large round sticker on the window, it’s a very bad representation of his face. lol. The hair looks silvery gray. And we all know he’s ‘orange man’ right? 😉
Some may very well be political, ( one sticker of Republican elephant, one of Democrat donkey) but I’m also seeing some things that look like collages of ‘normal’ people.
Just my opinion.  -MJA.

117 Comments on UPDATE: Clear picture of van —Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

  1. Not A Car Car A Van October 26, 2018 at 11:22 am
    A White Van parked in an Auto Zone park lot.
    A motorcycle under a black tarp.
    Looks like lots of Pics in the windows.

  2. How predictable. A white Van emblazoned with lots of stickers. Like a lefty that sends phony bombs wouldn’t put pro Trump stickers as a diversion. After all, the trial won’t even begin until way after the election.

    The media have been fed. It’s their ball now.

  3. Anyone remember the name Richard Jewell – falsely accused of being the Atlanta Olympics bomber by the FBI? The actual, eventually convicted bomber was named Eric Rudolph.

  4. I blew up the photo and I’m not seeing obvious TRUMP stuff or Dem stuff.
    Shit, he could hate both parties and just started on Dems first.
    He’s got a beef with somebody, for sure. That’s a lot of paper with words on those windows.

  5. Richard Jewell saved lives that night by finding the bag and moving people away, but his hero/scapegoat profile leaned more towards scapegoat. The DOJ needed a win, hence Richard’s life was forever ruined.

    This is not exactly the same, but I’m sure DOJ needs a “quick win” so everyone is skeptical.

    Did one of the stickers say Acme?

  6. It’s nauseating just how breathless all the media are over this. 1) It was determined very early that none of the “bombs” could have worked, 2)It seemed pretty obvious there was a ton of evidence that would lead them quickly to the perp, 3)the FBI has had the guy under surveillance since sometime yesterday.

    If the guy was such an enormous threat why didn’t the FBI arrest him yesterday? Apparently he was known by the FBI before this. This is just plain ridiculous. Laughable.

  7. Anonymous, I really hope not, but if that’s the case, we’ll be seeing it in all its glory as soon as the media get some good shots of it. CNN will probably rent a white van and cover it with Trump stickers for “illustrative” purposes.

  8. holy Shiite, the perp IS NOT white as reported. Obama was the same color as this whack doodle and everybody called him black.
    The white man’s race has been maligned, this is a Dem Op.

  9. And now a word from our alternate sponsor!

    Need phony Pipe Bombs to help your election chances? Check out our election-influencing products sponsored by… the makers of American Fascism: The Democrat Party and the Globalist International Cabal! They’re like pigmy chickens – 120 to a box, complete with phony timers, nonsenese wiring, pseudo shrapnel, and no explosives inside! Get yours today! Guaranteed to make the masses vote for you!

  10. Apparently one of those nut cases you see driving around whose vehicles are covered with inane blathering that make no sense at all. Dementia and insanity are core values of leftists, so once again the left owns this.

  11. The packages are funny enough as is: using Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s name as the sender and using the return address of the Broward County (Sheriff Israel, Lakeland HS) Police Station!

    This attempt makes B-Movies look like Oscar material!

  12. the stickers and images on the van look awefully fresh, not sun faded at all. looks like they were recently applied. They would not be that clear unless they were recently applied. The sun in florida summer would fade them out quickly. also it looks like he has stickers on the passenger side window of the cab. That is illegal and would have gotten him stopped immediately. this looks like a put up job

    Just saying.

  13. I don’t believe that is the same van, look at the body crease under the windows.

    Also something to note. Why is it that the images are not aligned with the window? Looking further, in the top picture, the top right edge of the images is rounded and follows the curved corner of the glass. Whereas the top/bottom left and bottom right are 90° angles?

  14. Funny how the media just happened to have people there for the surprise bust and get some photos for social media just before the FBI throw a tarp over the van.

    Every window plastered with political stickers? Sure, where they put on right after the bust was made?

  15. Meanwhile, as POTUS is addressing the issue on Live TV msnbc Andrea Mitchell cuts away to discuss why CNN SUCKS.

    Thanks Andrea. We really need to understand that issue.

  16. People are wondering how his van windows haven’t been smashed in with all the Trump stuff on it? lol.
    Also, who made those window sheet stickers and why they’re so clean and bright if they’ve always been on the windows?
    Why is he only following 32 libs on twitter if he’s such a hard core Trump fan?

  17. Wait a minute. The first picture of the van before they threw the tarp over it (tell my why police would just happen to have a tarp, anyway?) has only three windows on the side.

    Then the picture with clear pro Trump stickers is shown, but with four windows.

    What’s up?

  18. His FB account very odd. He signs up in 2010, makes a few posts, then goes without one (as far as I can tell) until Sept& Oct 2016 with all the pro Trump – Anti Hillary posts, several every day, then nothing in 2017 or 2018.

    Yet his profile says he has 2775 friends????

  19. This is a grossly pathetic and obvious set up. I have never seen one vehicle ever plastered in its entirety with Trump stickers. In an age where merely wearing a Trump hat or tee shirt will get your skull busted in, this guy would have been beaten and hospitalized in heavily Demorat South Florida by now. My brother had a small Trump sticker on his rear window and the savages keyed his entire car and smashed his two rear windows. This is an absurdity to believe this guy was not attacked for this kind of pro Trump broadcasting

  20. It seems that the big brouhaha is whether or not the suspect is a liberal Democrat or a Republican. It doesn’t matter because the distinctions have already been made well before this incident.

    Republicans, including the President of the United States, had already condemned these acts before any suspect was arrested and the President promised action to apprehend the bomber. Democrats, on the other hand, usually wait and see who the suspects are before condemning acts of attempted violence. How many Democrats have criticized Antifa, Black Lives Matter or any of the anti-Trump protestors for property damage or injury caused by their protests? Also, number of Republicans who have called for violence: 0. Number of Democrats who have called for violence: lots. America is a large country and the likelihood of a crazy pro-Trump supporter going off of his or her rocker is pretty high – but most of us don’t condone this in any way. Democrats usually wait to see how the political winds are blowing and then make some sort of statement (excusing the conduct if the perp is one of theirs).

    Besides, what kind of idiot would plaster his windows with Trump stickers and risk getting pulled over by the cops on his way to the Post Office? Something doesn’t seem right.

  21. TO MJA That’s what they want you to believe…and also across the country, where he hand delivered all the other packages, too.

    I didn’t know it’s a crime to send democrats toys in the mail.

    TO Wyatt He WAS a Democrat, then a Green Party member…then as of 2016 a Republican (read: Trump Democrat).

  22. The van pictures are from different sides. Looks like the driver side doesn’t have a door behind the driver’s door, but the other side does. That side has four windows because the door has two smaller windows. The other side has just one bigger window.

    Dang. I was hoping for a conspiracy!

  23. Claudia,
    I thought the same. However, earlier pictures showed driver side of van, but this picture taken in traffic shows right side, which has a double door for cargo loading , which is split with two smaller windows.
    The covered motorcycle on the rack is in both sets of pictures.
    Also, what some earlier comments said, the stickers seem to be new and printed out in one sheet.
    Lefty cars I see covered with stickers, usually are a bunch of individual stickers with gaps and overlaps.
    Dittos on Florida sun fading. Looks almost like one of those printed wraps.

  24. I started making a list while driving around PDX in 2004 of cars with political bumper stickers. My conclusion: more than 3 stickers on a car were invariably Progressive! By a factor of 10 to one. Very few conservatives feel a need to overdo it. The stickers on that van are way too contrived, IMHO.

  25. “…It’s covered in pro-Trump stuff, like, comically so.
    It’s as if they wanted to hammer home the point.”

    Dem scammers are big believers in quantity: the more women accusers, the better, the more bombs, the better, the more caravans, the better, the more Trump stickers on the van, the better, the more TV panelists, the better. We may see a Hollywood Squares-style 9 person panel on CNN tonight.

  26. If this dude is for real, I feel bad for the people he’s representing and the people working for him. Bad enough to lose a job, but to have to explain to the next job about why you left the previous one? Yeesh.

  27. Sayoc comes off like some outlier, psychotic moron. He latches onto Trump as his hero du jour, and then, like all megalomaniacal lifetime losers, he comes up with what he thinks is a “brilliant” plan to “help” Trump, but, in reality, it’s almost the worst possible thing he could do at the worst possible time to do it. Thank God he was too much of an imbecile to make real bombs. Thanks, dumbass. JFC.

  28. Those people are clever. They even washed the van’s windows before applying the stickers.

    They know a real psycho libtard cat collector never washes his car – just slaps on another sticker every time the voices tells him to.

  29. He looks fresh out of prison, a volunteer patsy.

    If the “bombs” are not actual explosive devices, then the perp is not “The Bomber” per the media headlines. Law enforcement stating they “detonated some of the devices” to dispose of them is NOT a statement that the devices themselves were capable of detonating and causing harm.

    It matters because we’re dealing with liars. Precise questions must be asked and not glossed-over. Everything changes if the headline is “Man sent fake bombs.” Remember, the Left has to “pretend not to know a lot of things.” Don’t let them get away with playing pretend, on any level.

  30. I like how all the stickers look brand new. Not one old sticker. All the edges match up perfectly. And speaking of stickers, gee, where can you get a 10 by 10 sticker of Mike Pence? Need one over my bed.

    Anyway, as soon as this guy gets out of jail, I’m gonna’ get him to print up a whole sheet of brand new, full color, random stickers that will perfectly match up with my window edges.

    He’s quite the arts and crafts type.

  31. A woman was just on Rush. She said as soon as she heard this guy’s name she looked up his fb page. It was all anti Trump stuff. Then when she went back 10 minutes later it had disappeared.
    This guy is a left wing looney who thought he was being clever in covering his van with pro Trump stickers.
    Dimms. Everything they do backfires.

  32. I know this is a Florida guy, but:

    Most of the windows in his van are covered with posters and stickers so he really can’t see; and

    There are pictures of Obama, Hillary and Michael Moore with cross-hairs drawn on them.

    How does a police officer see this van and not pull the driver over on suspicion of being nuts? Again, I know this is Florida, but even Florida cops should have a little common sense.

  33. Would somebody PLEASE tell me how a guy in Florida managed to hand deliver some of these? No stamp date means not sent thru the mail. This doesn’t make any sense.

  34. Unlike all the actual terror bombings and “stuff” that happened under obama — Florida nightclub, Boston Marathon,etc.etc.etc. — the FBI will nail this guy for everything they can throw the book at him with. Watch. No interrupting the interrogations, no SDNY intervention (interference), no DoJ goof ups, etc.etc.etc.

    Despite all the hoax hate crimes and instances of real violence on behalf of the Democrats/DSA against conservatives, this will be an open and closed case of straight up Trump Supporter Violence that represents POTUS Trump and ALL his people.

  35. The guy did promotions and probably knew where to get signage made and printed-maybe. The stickers look like a big poster-not individual stickers perfectly aligned. Everything looks pretty crisp and clear-where did he get high res images of Mike Pence for example and the agitprop memes that I’ve only seen low res of?

  36. Those pictures are not of the same van. The one with all the Trump stickers appears to be a much longer van. It has two doors on the passenger side behind the front passenger door. Each with a window and what appears to be a back window is huge. Very wide.

    Now compare the picture from above of the drivers side of the van. No doors which is to be expected but the side of the van is much shorter. There is only room for two windows behind the drivers door.

    It’s not the same van.

  37. What a Hollyweird production. Featuring a prop – starring criminal leftist tool pretending to be conservative and a prop – a new van plastered with perfectly placed pro Trump stickers or graphics/images. Fake, fake, fake, fake.
    Fake Trump supporter, fake Fakebook conservative content on perps page, fake “bombs” and fake motive created targeting leftist leadership.
    Remember kids the word of the Day is …FAKE.

  38. He is very clearly a liberal plant (this is a false flag) and he is an obvious homosexual (no man tries to dress like, is a manager for or emulates Chippendale dancers unless they suck dick).

  39. ” where did he get high res images of Mike Pence for example and the agitprop memes that I’ve only seen low res of? ”
    YES! Exactly! Unless he is an editor or knows the person who put the images out and got high DPI files of them, no way the images are going to be so crisp like that. You cannot ‘grow’ an original low res image into a bigger cleaner one.

  40. @MJA Unless he has a team working with/for him that has access to a vault of gathered material and the ability to duplicate it. I doubt he knows Photoshop or a vector program well enough to make them himself.

    Who would? Oh, the people that have ready made signs printed just so fit for every protest and march-no matter the theme or chant.

  41. Illustr8r – That’s true. And that’s a lot of work. lol.

    Ah yeah, the professional *insert republican’s name here* “grass roots” signs.

    Btw, vectors work my nerves. I’m happy with the regular boring manipulations of images. 😀

  42. Claudia, MJA, Root66, everybody is speculating about different vans because of the windows etc. But assuming that they are different sides of the same van, one with the doors and one without, has anybody noticed that the stickers on the front-most windows are absolutely identical on both sides? It could be he made a montage and put it on both sides, but they are identical.

  43. Stop the Van.
    Cesar Sayoc.
    Extensive criminal history.
    Asheville, Charlotte NC.
    Soccer Teammate Roommate Deep Deep Blue
    Van Fab Job.
    MSNBC Circus Clown Fingerpaints all over it.

  44. The bomb hoaxers have made one very obvious mistake in this operation of deception. Not one “bomb” has exploded! No one has been harmed or killed. Apparently no one wants to be a sacrificial victim to prove a bomb is real as only commie democRATS have been targeted. Now if they had targeted Repubs, there would have been real victims since aggressive, violent action against Repubs has been the DemocRATs’ public call to their own deluded followers. It is the Communist way!

  45. I have questions.
    Who paid and printed them?
    Where’s the guys friends and people he lived next to?
    How long has he had the van?
    If he cared / hated enough to send fake bombs how come not real ones? Seeing how long he’s going to spend time in prison.
    Why would you want to draw attention to your self by putting a hundred stickers on your truck?
    PS, the cross hairs don’t seem right for someone that sends 12 fake bombs?


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