Suspected Antifa Member Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Chain College Republicans in Classroom – IOTW Report

Suspected Antifa Member Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Chain College Republicans in Classroom

Legal Insurrection: While the College Republicans at the University of Washington held a meeting in a classroom, someone approached the door from the outside and attempted to chain the doors shut. Luckily, they had someone watching the door.

Members immediately sprang into action and chased down the suspect, who was ultimately arrested.


Jason Rantz reported at KTTH Radio:

Rantz: ‘Antifa’ member arrested for trying to imprison Republican students in classroom

An alleged member of a local antifa group was arrested Monday evening for attempting — and very badly failing — to chain the doors, locking conservative students in a University of Washington classroom.

Front. The meeting caught the attention of Emerald City Antifa. On their Facebook page, the group encouraged members to show up to disrupt the event.

One person did show up, though it’s unclear if he’s directly connected with the Facebook page. But he didn’t try to simply disrupt the event; he tried to lock the students in the hall with a chain and lock.

“I saw a guy in black approach the door but there had been no protest outside or anything so antifa wasn’t necessarily on my radar,” UWCR member Zach Wildfang told The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “He crouched down and immediately slapped his chain around the door.”

The chaining didn’t work. It made lots of noise, as chains against doors tend to do, and it immediately alerted the students inside, one already standing guard.

“We heard the rattling from inside,” UWCR president Chevy Swanson told Rantz. “We looked to see through the window and see that someone was messing with the door. And it’s very clearly a chain being attached.

This video is cued to start at the 50:22 mark, just press play:  more here

15 Comments on Suspected Antifa Member Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Chain College Republicans in Classroom

  1. It’s a shame we don’t have an action squad who could go visit his home and perhaps educate Mom and Dad about the little fart blossom they spawned–if they play dumb remind them it’s the little bundle of joy living in the basement. The better person he could have been unfortunately dribbled down mom’s ass crack and became the wet spot on the sheet.

  2. Should have taken the chain and lock and beat him with it as he was “attempting to escape” (wink wink). Then tie HIM up with it and leave him in the nearest dumpster for the po-po to pick up at their leisure later.


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