Swalwell claims Trump threatened to ‘execute’ anyone who helped whistleblower – IOTW Report

Swalwell claims Trump threatened to ‘execute’ anyone who helped whistleblower


Rep. Eric Swalwell claimed that President Trump had threatened to execute people who helped the whistleblower and that we would see if the American people would hold him accountable.

“He copped to the crime. He said in 2016 he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, we’re going to find out if that’s true, and that he could get away with it as Americans,” the California Democrat said Thursday on MSNBC. “He’s actually threatened the execution of anyone that would give information to the whistleblower. And we’re going to find out is is that who we are as Americans, that we would let this man in our great country get away with this.”

Trump said Thursday that the person who helped the whistleblower was “close to a spy” while also mentioning the “old days” when governments would deal with spies differently, presumably a reference to capital punishment. Some used the comment to claim the president was threatening people’s lives, though the crowd in the audio of the speech laughed, seeming to take the words as a joke. MORE

17 Comments on Swalwell claims Trump threatened to ‘execute’ anyone who helped whistleblower

  1. C’mon Eric. Get back in the race. Why did you give up your quest for the presidency?
    America needs you swallowsWell.

    Democrat congresscritters from California, pelosi, schiff, swallowswell, maxipad….
    let’s disbar California from the union. Here you go Mexico. We’ll take it back at our pleasure.

  2. Seems Ms. Swalwell has his panties bunched up again.
    So lets do a quick review for him.

    UCMJ Treason Laws. Treason is the act in which a civilian or soldier uses information or other sources to help the enemies of the United States gain power and control. Read below where the top five questions regarding treason, treason law, penalty for treason, and consequences of treason are advised upon by the Military Lawyers.

    Oh my! Would Barry, Hillary and many other dems be worried?
    Please note the Uniform Code of Military Justice covers civilians as well.

    Please jump to the 4:50 mark
    Why is madame Swallowells concerned about it when it was Hillary that said “we all hang from nooses”
    Thats Racist……

    Best President ever. MAGA, Popcorn, God and Country.
    Be safe Mr. President. We love you.

  3. I wonder if they all have to draw straws to see who has to say the next ‘most idiotic’ thing. They most definitely are trying to gaslight us. Do they realize how sweet this has become? We just saw proof today that the left is losing it:

    •Banging the gavel to make the big mean old man stop making you look foolish while your face nearly falls off with your frustrated anger.

    •Making up a story about the transcript THAT WAS PUBLISHED so we all could read what it says; then pretending you meant it as a parody.

    •Now, you claim President Trump threatened to execute someone!


    Keep it up, lefties. We are WINNING! And it’s FUN!


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