SwampRINO Asa Hutchinson claims 2020 fraud is an ‘unnecessary distraction’ and says he wants to lead GOP in a ’new direction’ – IOTW Report

SwampRINO Asa Hutchinson claims 2020 fraud is an ‘unnecessary distraction’ and says he wants to lead GOP in a ’new direction’


Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson on Sunday became the latest Republican to publicly toy with the idea of running for president in 2024 —  potentially setting up a fierce battle within the GOP if Donald Trump attempts another White House bid.

‘I’m not ruling it out. That’s something that is a consideration, an option,’ Hutchinson told Fox News of a possible presidential campaign.

‘I’m certainly not ruling it out, because this is too critical a time for our nation and it’s a defining moment and I want to not only engage the debate now but keep my options open down the road.’

Hutchinson, who chairs the National Governor’s Association, will be leaving Little Rock at the end of this year after serving two terms leading the southern state. 

During his Sunday interview, the governor dismissed the ex-president’s baseless gripe about fraud in the 2020 election and said he wanted to lead the GOP in a ‘new direction.’

‘To me the Republican Party has to be talking about future ideas and the direction of our country, the strength of America,’ he said.

‘I think we have to be talking about ideas and not the past and I think my voice is helpful to those candidates who want to look to the future.’


21 Comments on SwampRINO Asa Hutchinson claims 2020 fraud is an ‘unnecessary distraction’ and says he wants to lead GOP in a ’new direction’

  1. Marco – Speaking of… Kasich was in the news last week admitting that when he lost, he cried.
    “But when it was over, we got off the plane, I went inside the FBO [fixed-base operator], and I went behind this building, and I cried. I had one big cry,” Kasich said, explaining that his family comforted him… poor baby! A nuther back-stabbing gut-less wonder who supports all those new burned-out slums that pedocRATs have created with their Goon-Squads of BLM Bolshevics and Anti-fa Fuzz Nutz! If Asa or Assa or whutever he’s called is anything like that the country doesn’t need him!

  2. “A new direction” Translation: backwards to 2016 and 2008 to the uni-party before DJT-45 brought forth the true Conservatives, regardless of their political party.

  3. The RINO direction of our country, is the same as the Dems. They will buck the system to look good, then vote for the Dems dumbassery.
    Go Sarah Sanders!!!!!!!

  4. As Lonely Duck indicated, isn’t it funny (no, not really) that these RINOs want to lead the GOP in a “new direction.” Yeah, new direction same as the old direction.

    “…potentially setting up a fierce battle within the GOP if Donald Trump attempts another White House bid.” Yeah, right.

  5. ASA HOLA!

    What direction would that be?

    The Squad & Bernie are Radical Left.
    The Demos are grifters that are embracing Leftism to pilfer the Country.
    The Rino’s are Traditional Repubes that Claim conservative values so that they Too can Pilfer the Country.

    That leaves, Trumpism, Tea Partyish, Desantism (which looks like Freedom of Choice/True liberty to me).

    So, as a Bastage Stuck in Canuckistan, what is different about him except that will most likely be Right of Center when you really need a Tough Motherfucker.

  6. Wants to forget the past? If you forget the past (you know, history) then you are doomed to repeat it. So for idiots like Asa he would be happy to have the Democrats cheat again in 2024 while he takes the GOP in a new direction.


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