Sweden: Church collects money to build mosque – IOTW Report

Sweden: Church collects money to build mosque

“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)

Jihad Watch: How wonderful. How sweet and charitable and generous and loving. Maybe the Muslims who go to this mosque once it is built will look upon their Christian neighbors with gratitude, and treat them kindly. More likely, however, they will see the Christians’ generosity as their due, since the Qur’an commands Muslims to fight against the “People of the Book” and force them to pay the jizya, a tax from which Muslims are exempt. So non-Muslims paying money to Muslims is the divinely-ordained order of things, and doesn’t exempt these Christians from the general commands Muslims have in the Qur’an to wage war against and subjugate unbelievers. It is conceivable that the Muslims who go to this mosque could one day attack and destroy the church whose people collected money to build the mosque, and they will do so because they believe this is what the Qur’an tells them to do, and Christians being nice to them doesn’t mitigate the Qur’anic command.

The Swedish church in Nacka is the Christian Church today in microcosm. All denominations. This is today’s Christianity. This is the Christianity of Pope Francis, and former Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III Laham, and Worcester, Massachusetts Roman Catholic Bishop Robert McManus, and Rick Warren, and so many other clerics who think that if they ignore and deny the problem of Muslim persecution of Christians, and pursue their chimerical and fruitless “dialogue,” that all will be well, and that those who tell the truth about what is happening are a continuing danger to the Church.

Well, they have the Church they want now, and as the years go by, it will become clear to everyone what they have done, and what unimaginable damage and destruction they have enabled.


15 Comments on Sweden: Church collects money to build mosque

  1. How Many moslems has the Catholic Charities resettled in America?

    This is a serious question…not singling out the Catholics

    but I keep seeing multiple charities bringing in these monsters

    for $$$$$

  2. We are only called on to pray for our enemies ( salvation, not their victory), and not called to build them a weapons cache across the street from our homes where they are close enough to kill us. I don’t recall reading any stories of the British building a Nazi HQ in England and transporting Nazi SS to the location. The USA likewise didn’t do that for the Nazis nor the Japanese in WW 2.

  3. @Blink May 28, 2018 at 5:29 pm

    > We are only called on to pray for our enemies ( salvation, not their victory)

    I hope this isn’t taken as accusatory… I hope I can hold you to that. I hope “we” can hold the figurative, plural “you” to that.

    If the Islamists were not “here”, would the Good™ people, people On The Right Side Of History™, be less convinced that “we” are the enemy? With the Islamists “here”, are Good™ people, less convinced that “we” are the enemy?

    So? What aid should “we” extend the Good™ people? For their victory. Against the Islamists, not Muslims. Against people of The Book, people not On The Right Side Of History™.

    Were there no Islamists, what action, other than Thoughts And Prayers™, would be taken against those that call us enemy? What action, other than Thoughts And Prayers™, should be taken against those that call those that call us enemy?

  4. @Anonymous @ 6:25pm
    Your screed makes very little sense. All I can say is Islam is the Devil’s work. Mohammad was spawned by Satan, and all who follow Mohammed’s teachings are Satan’s children.
    F–k them all.

  5. Anonymous, Try to be more clear.
    If the Islamists were not “here”, would the Good™ people, people On The Right Side Of History™, be less convinced that “we” are the enemy? With the Islamists “here”, are Good™ people, less convinced that “we” are the enemy?
    Who are the trade marked “people”.
    Sound like a troll to me. This is not a place to play around with. Do you have a name?
    WE Hate Muslimes.
    Geoff C. the Saltine.

  6. “Anonymous,” “honest” to God™, “if” you don’t “stop” with the “unnecessary”™ quotation “marks,” I “will”™ be forced to “hunt” you “down” and smash “your” keyboard™.


  7. What can I say other than that we are told / taught that none of us earns our way to heaven by good works, we are saved by the gift of grace, by repentance & faith. And it’s a difficult thing to acknowledge that on the bus ride to heaven in the seat next to us could be a person we know of in life who did the most vile & evil things, yet if they sincerely repented, believe & asked for forgiveness they get a ticket. Like the prodigal son’s brother I may think they’re not worthy, certainly not as worthy as I think I am, but the rejoicing is for the one who was lost and now is found. Even Christ (Luke 23:34) on the cross asked for those who crucified him be forgiven; for they know not what they do. Matthew 5:43 ~ 46 mostly covers the rest of our obligation teaching that if we only love them which love us, what reward do we have? It’s a difficult teaching. Something I’m not really capable of doing. However, praying for our enemies is probably more for own spiritual benefit as their’s or equal to it. But nowhere are we told to be fools and to voluntarily allow those who hate us to kill us.

    https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/what-it-means-to-pray-for-your-enemy .


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