Sweden proposes to require ‘explicit consent’ before sex, or you could be convicted of rape – IOTW Report

Sweden proposes to require ‘explicit consent’ before sex, or you could be convicted of rape

From Canada Free Press:

Sweden is moving to change its rape law to shift the burden of proof from the victim to the alleged attacker, in a proposal that would require people to get explicit consent before sexual contact.

Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lovin said the recent #metoo anti-harassment campaign “has shown that there is a need” for the new legislation, which is expected to be approved Thursday in Parliament.

Under current Swedish law, someone can be prosecuted for rape only if it is proven that they used threats or violence. Under the proposal, rape could be proven if the accuser didn’t give their explicit verbal agreement or clearly demonstrate their desire to engage in sexual activity.

Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said the “historic reform,” which his coalition has been preparing since taking power in 2014, aims to shift the burden of proof from the victim of a rape or sexual assault to the alleged attacker.  read more

SNIP:  What about for this? I think this will affect native Swedish men more than muslims.

18 Comments on Sweden proposes to require ‘explicit consent’ before sex, or you could be convicted of rape

  1. Muslims will still declare that it was a cultural misunderstanding or that something got lost in translation. In their minds, any women without a hijab has already said “Yes” and is asking for it.

  2. Unless there is a revolution in Sweden with a lot of blood in the streets the country is done. By the time the left is finished the country will belong to the Muslims and womens consent won’t be an issue anymore.

  3. Damn, sex in Sweden is going to become real expensive, having to drag an attorney along to draw up the proper legal document with the gal’s name (being this article is referring to women), so it would become legal & binding in case she decided his performance wasn’t up to her standard & wanted to play the rape card.

  4. This is a stupid as saying: anyone who steps into the sunshine is begging to be raped by multiple Muslim man who had not bathed for a month. allow women to carry short extremely sharp knives, any man who exposes himself in public may have his a wiener cut off.

  5. clearly, it won’t apply to ‘migrants’ . ” Five migrant men in Sweden charged with what one lawyer described as the worst gang rape she had ever worked on have all walked free.

    The incident, which happened in the Fittja area of Stockholm last summer, involved up to 20 men but only five were identified and charged.

    According to the 30-year-old victim, the migrants “discussed who would get to use me first” before pulling her up to the second floor of a stairwell. “Many stood waiting for their turn,” she added.

    The migrants allegedly smashed the woman’s head against the staircase, knocking her unconscious, as well as threatening her with a knife. The entire incident was caught on surveillance cameras.”

  6. This seems to be getting awfully complicated – it is just easier to say “forget it” and open another beer. Or what about just getting with a hooker – you give her X amount of money and she provides sexual favors and leaves afterward. Receipt of payment would seem to constitute explicit consent. Don’t give me that crap about “I never pay for sex” – of course you do one way or another. But it’s more straight forward to pay a prostitute for sex than spend money on dinner, drinks and a night out hoping for some nooky if all you are after is a short term cheap meaningless relationship.

    Sure, this seems crass but it helps avoid a criminal conviction and jail time for rape. A lot of countries, for example Japan, have a huge problem because the dating and sex protocols make relationships more trouble than they are worth for a lot of young people. Gloria Steinem famously said women need men like a fish needs a bicycle, but the bicycle is learning that it is easier to roll without being saddled with a fish.

    The more societies caste all males as sexual predators, the less willing many men are to enter into relationships which may lead to marriage and families. And requiring explicit consent like Sweden proposes sends a clear message to males that “we think you are all sexual predators and we don’t trust you.”

  7. Having The Holy Mother State, that brought you this fine, fine, new social (none, save misogynists, dare call it world) order, solve the “problem”?

    Don’t start the Loyal Citizens’ Thank You rally, without me! We’re comparing bar tabs to see who wins the honor of serving as our driver to the airport.

  8. “…rape could be proven if the accuser didn’t give their explicit verbal agreement or clearly demonstrate their desire to engage in sexual activity.”

    So Sweden is saying a guy is guilty of rape unless he now has a signed, notarized consent form or has recorded the entire encounter on video?

    That’s going to go over well on a date.

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