Sweden: Voters step toward conservative leader and away from progressives – IOTW Report

Sweden: Voters step toward conservative leader and away from progressives

The Last Tradition: Riots have hit the streets of Sweden perpetrated by Muslim refugees. Voters are reacting to diminished quality of life and an increase in crime.

Reuters reports Swedes voted on Sunday in an election dominated by fears over asylum seekers and welfare, with the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats vying to become the biggest party in a country long seen as a bastion of liberal values.

Far-right parties have made spectacular gains throughout Europe in recent years after a refugee crisis sparked by civil war in Syria and conflicts in Afghanistan and parts of Africa.

In Sweden, the influx of 163,000 asylum seekers in 2015 has polarized voters, fracturing the political consensus and could give the Sweden Democrats, a party with roots in the white supremacist fringe, a veto over who forms the next government.

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8 Comments on Sweden: Voters step toward conservative leader and away from progressives

  1. Yes, but: they have a Parliamentary system, and there’s NO guarantee that the Sweden Democrats will be part of whatever coalition rules – more likely not at all.

    Sorta like the Alternativ fuer Deutschland (AfD) in Germany: they’re shown in the Media (and in the halls of power) as toxic almost-neo-Nazis…FOR NOW.

    Maybe the NEXT go-’round….

  2. NOT “too late”, Anonymous.
    Later than OUR situation, yes.
    But they – as with the Germans and other Western Europeans – will stop this (only with considerable bloodshed, unfortunately). WE still have a chance at doing it less – ahem – “messily.”

  3. The results of pc culture, diversity in culture is not so good when the rule of law is not practised they have a long ways to go to fix the mess that the political elite have given them.

  4. Reuters:

    …Swedes voted on Sunday in an election dominated by fears over asylum seekers and welfare…

    Really, Reuters? “Dominated” by “fears”? Your bigotry is showing.

    Reuters would have been more accurate – and honest – to have written that the election was heavily influenced by voters who disapprove of and want to change govt policies for handling asylum seekers and welfare.

  5. Repeat over and over and over….. Nazis, fear, hate….. It’s the Nazi-style big lie, designed to hypnotize an entire society through repetition.

    Eventually, people don’t believe their own lying eyes. ….Lady in Red

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