Swedish Archaeologists Promote The Idea That Vikings Were Muslim – IOTW Report

Swedish Archaeologists Promote The Idea That Vikings Were Muslim


If the Vikings were Muslim, what happened to them? And why hasn’t anyone written about them?

Researchers at Sweden’s oldest university are attempting to rewrite the historical narrative with claims that there were Muslim Vikings.

Following the discovery of a “staggering” number of Viking artifacts, which includes funerary clothes and items used in everyday life, researchers at Uppsala University propose that symbols etched into garments bear Arabic characters for “Allah” and “Ali.” The researchers believe the silver-colored symbols to be Kufic script, woven in silk.


Speaking to the BBC, archaeology researcher Annika Larsson said she couldn’t make sense of the symbols at first but then she remembered similar designs in Spain, on Moorish textiles.

To confirm her speculation, Larsson viewed the etchings in a mirror. “Perhaps this was an attempt to write prayers so that they could be read from left to right,” she said, referring to how Arabic characters are inscribed from right to left. more here

43 Comments on Swedish Archaeologists Promote The Idea That Vikings Were Muslim

  1. That must be the ultimate symptom of the Stockholm Syndrome. A desperate attempt to appease the moslem hordes they invited in to slaughter, rape and pillage. See? We are all muzzrats! Kumbaya.

  2. What were these “researchers” smoking, drinking, or using prior to their “research”? How many researchers were/are muzzies? Sounds like a large pile of bovine droppings.

  3. Bullshit. If that were the case, Viking longboats would have been lateen rigged instead of square rigged. The next most useless college degree, after Education and Human Resources, is a degree in Archaeloogy. I know because I have one.

  4. “Researchers at Sweden’s oldest university”

    Do they have a history department? They should go there. The Viking made a full time job out of raiding Muslim countries. They even hired out as Mercenaries for a few of them. It’s not surprising to see traces of the Muzzies show up. I believe they also took a lot of Muzzy slaves.

  5. A much better case can be made that the ancient Greeks were blonde and ginger celts and scandis. But don’t exspect anyone to research that uncomfortable possibility.

  6. The latest edict from the EU Office of Re-education & Clarification. In next weeks edition, the world will learn muslimes invented electricity, space travel, the submarine, and modern ghetto rap music.

  7. Upside down and backwards. New theory of logic.
    If people believe the gender fluidity thing, this only makes sense. Turn it upside down, cross you eyes and read it behind your back. Don’t see it? rascist/islamophobe!
    Look at the pic for the post. The image in the round. Right side. swastika.
    They were nazi’s. That’s more believable to me. I see real prof there.

  8. Researcher my ass. Per Wikipedia.

    “Annika Larsson is a contemporary artist. She received a Master of Fine Arts from the Royal University College of Fine Arts, Stockholm.”

  9. Ah..no. Next down the pike, since everyone knows the Vikings were here before that racist homophobic hater Chris Columbus, America was actually founded by none other, right? Kumbaya my ass.

    Sweden has had something go dreadfully wrong. Go back. Start over.

  10. So PAGAN Vikings who started their raids in 793A.D. in Lindsfarne, England, went all the way to Constantinople and beyond, fought and traded with muslims.

    Wouldn’t it be MORE REASONABLE that Vikings just bought things from muslims and wore it around? The virtually illiterate Vikings wouldn’t be able to make heads-or-tails of any foreign writings. They may have purchased them for their quality.

    BUT NO! If you bought / traded for something, then that means you were converted to Islam!

  11. When you have no history of consequence to point to, you begin to event one – and it can be anything.

    That’s why there are pushes in some quarters to say that Mozart, Beethoven, and Shakespeare were black. Black Jesus, etc., etc.

    “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

    Kids these days are too stupid to think critically about any of these subjects. That’s why you’re seeing scads of HBO and Netflix hatchet job movies like Game Change, on the Clarence Thomas hearings, Valerie Plame, ad nauseum where they take the fevered liberal revisionist iterations of recent events that we all just lived through because when leftist teachers ask students to write an essay on something – they’ll just go online and see that was the only interpretation of the subject.

  12. This islamosupremicist bs is dangerous. Moslems believe that any land they have conquered and occupied becomes property of Islam in perpetuity. The dumb bint who put forth this theory that the Vikings were Moslem just gave Moslems a claim to Sweden as well as lands conquered by Vikings.

  13. The Vikings ‘vacationed’ all over. That’s why you have red haired, blue eyed people in the middle east, Russia, Ireland etc… Thor was spreading his seed centuries before Johnny got all them apple trees agoin’…

  14. Yeah right. Every time I turn on the history channel the chinese invented everything before the west and the russians would have you believe they were the center of science and culture.

  15. Sweden doesn’t have a NASA, as BHO directed, to make Muslims feel good about there utter backwrdness and almost zero contributions to civilization. Thus, this crap.

  16. oh, this shit has to end NOW. As someone whose last name represents one of the many islands that comprise Stockholm’s archipelago of many islands, I will not stand for this kind of culture-obliterating racist Filthy Mohammedan Savage BULLSHIT.

    I have a lot of a distant relatives in Sweden who are BEGGING us here in America to sponsor them for immigration. My uncle is spearheading the effort. Well, fuck it, put me on the list. I’ll sponsor someone. Ole, Olaf, Sven, Brunhilde, Inga Binga, I dont give a damn


  17. ” Eighty percent of redheads have a MC1R gene variant,[10] and the prevalence of these alleles is highest in Scotland and Ireland”
    Plus all the red-headed mohammedans running around loose – shoots that theory all to hell.

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