Swedish Doc Says Deadly Parasitic Disease Has Doubled Since ‘Refugee’ Wave – IOTW Report

Swedish Doc Says Deadly Parasitic Disease Has Doubled Since ‘Refugee’ Wave

Summit News:

An infectious diseases doctor has warned that the number of cases in Sweden of Leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease which can lead to death, has doubled since the 2015 migrant wave.

“Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by an intracellular protozoan parasite (genus Leishmania) transmitted by the bite of a female phlebotomine sandfly,” according to Medscape.

The parasites that spread the disease are common in the Middle East, Africa and in Mediterranean countries, however it is not normally present in northern Europe.

According to Sara Karlsson Söbirk, an infectious doctor at a hospital in Helsingborg who has studied the issue for 20 years, the number of cases in on the increase.

“We have in a collaboration with the Public Health Authority looked at the number of cases between 1993-2016 and see a peak of 35 cases in 2016, probably a direct consequence of the large refugee wave the year before, when most people are sick from Syria and Afghanistan,” said Söbirk.  more

10 Comments on Swedish Doc Says Deadly Parasitic Disease Has Doubled Since ‘Refugee’ Wave

  1. I think I may have a solution. When they arrive in-country, put all incoming “refugees” in the same quarantine compound. Anyone symptom-free after two months gets moved to quarantine level 2. Anyone in level 2 for three months and is symptom-free and who tests negative for a spectrum of communicable diseases gets moved to level 3. After four months in level 3, ship their asses back to where they came from.

  2. “…probably a direct consequence of the large refugee wave…”
    yeah, that’s safe- go with ‘probably’. Either that or the female sandflies are out of control. Again. That’s sweden for you. If they can’t even control their sandflies, how are they going to control invading hordes? Oh, that’s right- they don’t.
    And isn’t that awfully sexist- blaming it on the female sandflies? They could be transflies. Better get a magnifier and find out.
    And I wouldn’t touch joe6pak’s bet- the doubled quote is from 2016 statistics, and you know how them sandflies multiply. They’ll probably be in LA next week, if not already.

  3. wtf? Izzat a worm crawling out of that Savage’s nose?

    He’s probably a Mohammedan who raped 12 women in ten days because they’re Dumb Swedes

  4. That is no joke of a disease, had buddies catch it when we were in Iraq. Lucky if you just get the dermal infection, you can die if it infects your organs. Fucking flies over there are aggressive and absolutely terrible. I doubt the flies can live in Sweden but that parasite probably doesn’t have any issue hitching a ride in its host.

  5. If smallpox was “genocide” against the people who occupied North America before the Europeans occupied it, why isn’t this genocide against the indigenous peoples of Sweden? Ha-ha. What a question. Silly me.


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