Swedish Media Refuses to Report “Dark Skinned” Description of 10 Men Who Raped Woman – IOTW Report

Swedish Media Refuses to Report “Dark Skinned” Description of 10 Men Who Raped Woman

Summit News:

Physical appearance of culprits removed from press reports.

After police issued an alert for ten “dark skinned” men wanted for the rape of a woman in Sweden, numerous Swedish media outlets refused to report the appearance of the suspects.

Last weekend, a woman was gang raped in central Piteå in northern Sweden. She described the perpetrators as “dark-haired and dark-skinned.”

The police subsequently released this information because they wanted tips from the public that would lead to the culprits being arrested.

However, in media reports about the rape, news outlets deliberately omitted the description of the suspects, presumably (this is Sweden after all) over concerns about political correctness.

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21 Comments on Swedish Media Refuses to Report “Dark Skinned” Description of 10 Men Who Raped Woman

  1. Alert: Woman savagely gang raped by 10 assailans. Citizens warned to be on the lookout. Description follows: blonde, 5’6, 109 lbs. Current address, 73A Hunterstrasse. Marital status, single.

    If you have any info, notify police immediately.

  2. The victim reported hearing the names of several of the assailants that talked among themselves during the attack. The names heard were Jamel, Percy, Dante, Tequan, and Leroy. They were wearing leisure suits and carrying a basketball. The race was not indicated.

  3. Sweden has moved so far from reporting the truth that they won’t even say “of Asian descent” anymore like most of the Euroweenies do so as not to inflame their precious guests.

  4. Okay, supposedly England’s collapse began when they (a) went socialist after WWII, then later (b) brought in millions of immigrants to bolster their workforce (that’s what I’ve read anyway) who instead mostly got on benefits.

    Sweden, on the other hand, I haven’t heard how this happened. Was it an ostensibly practical process like England’s? Or did the liberals just want to bring them in out of guilt, like Germany did?

  5. …they do not report the color of a suspect/fugitive/immediate threat to society in SW Ohio unless White, either, but they WILL tell us what color the GUN was that he used…

  6. There … there …there …

    Bend over
    Put your head in the noose
    Spread em

    The people who plundered from Ireland to Northern France to Southern France to the Mediterranean up the Adriatic and on to the Levant are now a bunch of butt-boys and cum-buckets for moslem savages.

    So sad.

    I’m guessing that they’re so immersed in their mal-educated bullshit (similarly to us, England, France, &c.) that they don’t even realize that they’re slaves to their imbecilities. They are paying with broken lives, and, some day, their passive slave society will reach some sort of critical mass which will explode in a violent reaction.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This is no doubt backfiring on the fake Swedish press. The average Swede knows that the rapists are immigrant muzzies. That’s not up for question. But now they know that their media is FAKE FAKE FAKE. Question is when is the Swedish Trump going to show up?

  8. Every time I feel I am an outcast, I read the comments here.
    When posting descriptions of perpetrators, be accurate. If they are white men, so be it, but if they are dark skinned, report it accurately. You will never catch a person, regardless of appearance, if you do not acknowledge the appearance.
    Be on the lookout for a suspect who might have perpetrated this crime.
    Great, I see hundreds of people who fit that non-specific description. And if you are near me, how do I report dozens / hundreds / thousands of people I see every day. If you are in law enforcement, be comforted in the knowledge that I will NOT be reporting every one I see based on a lunatic news reporting system and political correctness

  9. If the Swedish presstitutes won’t disclose the identity of the rapists, then attack ALL men of “Dark Skin”. Odds are you’ll eventually get the right ones.


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