Swedish music festival cancelled next year due to sexual assaults – IOTW Report

Swedish music festival cancelled next year due to sexual assaults


The largest music festival in Sweden will not go on next year because, for the second year in a row, more than a dozen sexual assaults of young girls marred the event.

Last year, more than 40 young girls reported being sexually assaulted. Men described as being of “foreign origin” were responsible.

Despite increased security this year, the assaults continued. more

9 Comments on Swedish music festival cancelled next year due to sexual assaults

  1. When are the Swedish men going to stand up and take it to the streets against these “refugees”? If Sweden’s goverernment refuses to protect it’s citizens then perhaps it’s up to the swedish people (and perhaps the army) to sort out the problem and send them back their real country of origin.

  2. Well, if they can’t expect a high enough rapists to girls attendance ratio, why don’t they just pass out free tickets. That’s way more cost effective than writing off all the paying customers. If Sweden still doesn’t have enough resident rapists, they could just import more. They’ve even got jobs, that “Swedes” won’t do, waiting for them – festival security, ushers, vendors, there must be hundreds of openings available.

  3. Thirdtwin and scr_ have nailed it.

    “Proactive Surrender”.

    Wonder what those airhead blond chicks holding “We ❤Refugees” signs are feeling now.
    The ones still alive, I mean.

  4. Swedish Immigration Bureau: Next!

    Filthy Mohammedan Savage Masquerading As Immigrant: Hello. Good day to you.

    Swedish Immigration Bureau: Why are you seeking asylum? What are your qualifications?

    Filthy Mohammedan Savage: Rape, Murder, Arson and Rape.

    Swedish Immigration Bureau: But you said “rape” twice?

    Filthy Mohammedan Savage: Because I like Rape!

    Swedish Immigration Bureau: He’ll do! Next!

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