Swedish Populist Politician’s Home Targeted In Arson Attack – IOTW Report

Swedish Populist Politician’s Home Targeted In Arson Attack

Breitbart London:

A Stockholm municipal politician and member of the Sweden Democrats was targetted in a deliberate arson attack on her home in the latest assault on the populist party and its members.

The unnamed municipal politician’s home was targeted in the early morning of Sunday while she and her partner were up late drinking wine. The woman said that both she and her partner smelled burning and upon examination saw the corner of their wooden home was on fire, Aftonbladet reports.

After trying to unsuccessfully extinguish the fire on their own, the couple called emergency services who appeared on the scene at around 4 am.

While police believe that the arson attempt was intentional, Stockholm police press spokesman Fredrik Nylén said he could not comment on whether there was a continued threat against the couple.

“Someone had lit the fire on a blanket on a balcony that caused minor damage to the façade,” Nylén said.

The Sweden Democrat politician also commented on the attack saying: “I have children and family, and we live in a wooden house.”

“Had we already went to bed, then who the hell knows how it would have ended,” she added.  READ MORE

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