Swedish Researcher Pushes Eating Human Flesh as Answer to Future Climate Change Food Shortages – IOTW Report

Swedish Researcher Pushes Eating Human Flesh as Answer to Future Climate Change Food Shortages

Epoch Times:

Climate Change alarmism has taken a macabre turn that will seem to be satire, but is not. It happened in Sweden.

At a summit for food of the future (the climate-ravaged future) called Gastro Summit, in Stockholm Sept 3-4, a professor held a powerpoint presentation asserting that we must “awaken the idea” of eating human flesh in the future, as a way of combatting the effects of climate change.

In a talk titled “Can you Imagine Eating Human Flesh?”  behavioral scientist and marketing strategist Magnus Söderlund from “Handelshögskolan” (College of Commerce) argues for the breaking down of the ancient taboos against desecrating the human corpse and eating human flesh.

He refers to the taboos against it as “conservative,” and discusses people’s resistance to it as a problem that could be overcome, little by little, beginning with persuading people to just taste it. He can be seen in his video presentation and on State Swedish Television channel TV4 saying that since food sources will be scarce in the future, people must be introduced to eating things they have thus far considered disgusting–among them, human flesh. read more

55 Comments on Swedish Researcher Pushes Eating Human Flesh as Answer to Future Climate Change Food Shortages

  1. Enjoy contracting kuru, as well as whatever your dirty ass food source had been infected with. Doubt you can effectively cook out all pathogens from your long pork to make it reliably safe, and the average human diet would likely make us as appealing as the average trash panda taste-wise. I’ll stick to regular food, the swedes can try their hand at cannibalism.

  2. Gentlemen, I’ve long advocated for the destruction of Sweden. Swedeno delenda est as Cato so succinctly put it some 2 thousand odd years ago.

    What further proof is needed than cannibalism? Join me in my holy quest to raise the ambient temperature in swedeland to 40 thousand kelvins.



  3. … one day, an island chieftain caught an explorer, and made his punishment for trespassing “Maiden Roulette”. With trepidation the explorer, without pants and hands tightly bound, was led through a crowd and into a clearing, where to his surprise, there were only six of the most beautiful island women he’d ever seen.

    The chieftain said, “This is your fate. These are maidens so you cannot sully them, but you may walk over to the maiden of your choice, and pleasure yourself with her mouth”.

    Dumbstuck but (visibly) excited at this turn of events, he started to thank the chief, but then stopped and asked, “How is this a punishment? And why did you call it, “Roulette”?

    The chieftain then answered with a smile, “One of them is a cannibal”.

  4. I don’t know KAMMERAD. Why don’t you tell us where you were on the night HITLER GOT SHOT!?!?!?!?!?!

    The rest of us red blooded Americans will be over here plotting Sweden’s destruction and eventual sinking beneath the ocean waves.

  5. …you only need to worry in the daylight.

    That’s because one day, two cannibal tribes that ate each other ceremonially, as a form of victory celebration, fought longer than ususal, and the sun was fading rapidly when one tribe broke and ran, leaving their dead behind. The cooks parted and roasted the dead warriors, bringing the choicest cut of the fattest man, a forearm complete with wrist and hand, wrapped in banana leaves and done to a turn, with great jubilation to their chief so he could take the first bite and start the feast. By then, the cooking fire had died down, leaving only a dull reddish glow over the hungry warriors and their umber meats.

    Famished by the fighting and the long delay, the chief snatched the arm and bit into it hungrily, biting down on sinew and tendons.

    …this caused the hand, which was unfortunately carelessly placed, to close over the chief’s face with a SNAP, with two of the toasted fingers burrowing into his eye sockets, forever blinding him.

    And that’s why cannibals won’t eat after dark.

    Because they can’t see the hand in front of their face.

  6. On the Plus side…We can make a Canoe out of their Skins.

    And sadly..On all Cannibal Stories…I have to recycle My Jeff Dahmer

    Joke(I’m saving the Planet)

    “Jeffrey, I don’t like Your Friends”

    “Then just eat the Potatoes, Mom.”

    ( I swear that’s the last time I roll this one out)

  7. …during the dinner after the conference, Magnus Söderlund noticed his dining companion from the seminar was strangely subdued. He turned to the man and asked, “What’s eating YOU?”.

  8. On a more scientific note, this clown has never heard of Prions. These little DNA beasties are what causes Mad Cow disease, which spreads when you grind up an infected cow, and use it as feed for other cows. (Sound familiar?)

  9. Jimmy
    SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 AT 8:13 PM
    “Mit Der Fuhrer in zeimem Bunker. Verstehen sie nicht, mein Freund?”

    …Ich verstehen Sie, liebe Jimmy. Geh heraus, sofort, der Feindlich Teufel kommen…

  10. The guy ain’t far off. Magnus Soderlund, that is Read “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift. 1729. Y’all know Swift from “Gulliver’s Travels,’ but you don’t know the real guy.
    I asked seven guys today if they ever read “A Modest Proposal” by Swift. They said no, never heard of it.
    Check it out, great read.
    “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift. 1729

  11. Moe, Swift wanted to eat the poor Irish. An imminently practical idea.

    This swedish death monster though….there’s no satire about it.

    Anyway, I have to go. Kennys bike caught on fire because fat Craig was working on it. Now I have to go keep them from killing each other. I mean, I’m Kyle. Who the hells gonna’ beat up a jew?

  12. “The Squad” approve and have asked Speaker Pelosi to invite him to speak to the full House. Sanders has asked him to become one of his lead policy advisors. Booker and Harris approve – as long as its “white” meat.

  13. Look at these disgusting comments. These people must have latent swedish cannibal genes all sexy-up’d up just over the thought of legally eating people….most likely Danish in origin.

    I dunno’ why, they just seem so fat and defenseless.

    The point is. EATING PEOPLE BAD. How is this something normal, non swedish people can even contemplate?

    Gah… this seems like the kind of pep talk I would give in the Andaman islands, not swedeland…..dang swedelanders…hate them so much…mutter mutter..


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