Swiss City Votes to Greatly Reduce Money Benefits Paid to Failed Asylum Seekers – IOTW Report

Swiss City Votes to Greatly Reduce Money Benefits Paid to Failed Asylum Seekers

Maybe Switzerland should remove the cross from their flag and replace it with a lollipop.  Suckers.

Breitbart: The people of the canton of Zürich, Switzerland, have voted to greatly reduce failed asylum seeker social benefits which could see the canton save as much as 10 million Swiss Francs (£7.6 million).

The proposal was put forth to the people in the form of a referendum which was voted on Sunday and passed with a majority of votes. The new amendment will make it so that asylum seekers who do not qualify for refugee status, but the government is unable to deport, will no longer receive full social assistance but only emergency funds from the Cantonal government, Kronen Zeitung reports.

An estimated 5,300 failed asylum seekers live in the Zürich canton with “F Status” meaning that whilst they have failed in their asylum claim, the government cannot deport them back to their home country because of potential dangers to them.

Formerly, migrants with F status received around 900 Swiss Francs (£691) per month but now will receive only the emergency fund amount of 360 Swiss Francs (£276) each month.  more

7 Comments on Swiss City Votes to Greatly Reduce Money Benefits Paid to Failed Asylum Seekers

  1. Who decides if the refugee is in potential danger? The refugee himself?

    Give me a break. The natives are more in danger of the refugee.

    From the pictures I’ve seen, they look pretty healthy. They are not going to work or assimilate, just make more trouble.


  2. WTF is it with Gov’t – all of them! – that makes common sense and probity absolutely out of the question?

    They develop procedures and restraints such that, little by little and bit by bit, movement becomes impossible. Doing what is necessary for existence goes from difficult to nearly impossible, all for the aggrandizement of some nameless, faceless, megalomaniacal bureaucrat.

    And we, not only endure such foolishness, we pay for it! And vote for it!

    What the fuck is wrong with us?

    izlamo delenda est …

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