Swiss Diplomat Who Represented Biden Admin Interests in Iran Is Found Dead After Falling from 17th Floor Balcony in Tehran – IOTW Report

Swiss Diplomat Who Represented Biden Admin Interests in Iran Is Found Dead After Falling from 17th Floor Balcony in Tehran


Swiss diplomat Sylvie Brunner was found dead this week after falling from her 17th-floor apartment balcony in Tehran. She was the first secretary of the Swiss delegation and worked in the US Interests Section.

Neighbors heard a loud explosion late at night before her death.

Her body was found in the garden the next morning.

According to reports, Sylvie Brunner was called to Iran to testify about her knowledge of the details of the American accounts who pocketed billions of dollars due to the bribes to lift sanctions against Iran.
We cannot verify that report at this time. more

25 Comments on Swiss Diplomat Who Represented Biden Admin Interests in Iran Is Found Dead After Falling from 17th Floor Balcony in Tehran

  1. Uncle Al ʘ MAY 7, 2021 AT 7:47 PM

    Is Arkancide transitioning to Delawicide?
    Or is this a case of *cough* Nairobicide?

    Hunter MAY 7, 2021 AT 7:52 PM

    Damn you Uncle AL!

    All I could come up with was Tehranacide, and you beat me to the punch!

    Precisely the same as Arkancide. Probably even the same people carrying it out.

  2. Ain’t that peculiar?
    You figure Biden only hires people with serious space/time disorientation?
    Maybe she thought she could transgress the laws of gravity with impunity?
    Who knows?
    Who cares?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Yeah she did, Zonga. Working for Slow Joe while heading to Iran is the surest form of suicide I can think of.

    Course’… pointed out above, we can’t rule out covid.

  4. @Kcir – Gain of Function Biological CCP Weapon:

    Dr. Uncle Al!
    Nice ring to it, but would it not be Bidencide?

    Arkancide: Slick Willy Clinton is from Arkansas.
    Delawicide: The Joey the POTATUS is from Delaware.
    Nairobicide: Barack Obama¹ is from Nairobi.

    I thought about Kenyicide but it doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

    1. There something still redolent of mackerel about where Barky JUNIOR was born, but we know for sure, documents and all, that Barack Obama SENIOR was from Kenya.

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