Syracuse U: Mandatory diversity course ‘didn’t hit the mark’ – IOTW Report

Syracuse U: Mandatory diversity course ‘didn’t hit the mark’

Campus Reform: A mandatory diversity and inclusion course at Syracuse University is being widely labeled as unsuccessful, as students in the program were not engaged, and didn’t feel the course was necessary.

Following a video that surfaced out of the Theta Tau fraternity last spring that contained racist language and included sex acts, according to the Daily Orange, the university responded in one way by mandating all freshman take a course made to talk about “identity and inclusion.”

SEM 100, the name of the five-week pass/fail course, did not perform as it was intended to, according to students and multiple people leading the class.

Amanda Nicholson, the assistant provost and dean of student success said the course was already being made when the situation with Theta Tau fraternity occurred. The video accelerated the campus announcement of the class. However, a campus-wide email sent by Chancellor Kent Syverud stated that the course was created over the summer.

Karen Hall, the assistant director of civic engagement and academic advising in the Renée Crown University Honors Program, worked with the facilitators of the class and helped train them, however, she felt the class missed the mark.

“We value the purpose, but it didn’t hit the mark,” Hall told The Daily Orange. “It went wide of the mark. In fact, if we were using a dartboard analogy, it hit the wall and fell to the floor.”

According to the Daily Orange, the course was divided into five weeks, with each week focusing on a different topic such as “Who am I? Wellness and relationships” as well as “Allyship action planning.” One week focused on Trevor Noah’s book “Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood.”  more here

10 Comments on Syracuse U: Mandatory diversity course ‘didn’t hit the mark’

  1. Amanda Nicholson, the assistant provost and dean of student success…

    WTF does a dean of “student success” do, anyway? And what self-serving definition of “success” do they use? I imagine it has something to do with the suppression of the individual and assimilation into the liberal collectivist hive mind.

  2. FTA: “They don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, but sometimes you need that discomfort to grow, especially when a lot of students come here from homogenous, white communities and don’t know how to talk about race,” Chasia Marquette, a political science major said.

    Don’t know how to talk about race????
    Make up yer mind. One minute we’re supposed to engage/placate POC, the next instant we’re not supposed to notice POC.

  3. There are plenty of ways to undermine something you don’t want to do. They can’t make you enthusiastic, or smile, or ask polite questions.

    Use your creative minds and make it hell on earth for anyone who would dare teach it.

  4. More tuition money thrown down the toilet. How many credit hours and student study hours was wasted on this drivel?

    Learn a useful trade, become an apprentice and then a professional — and get on with becoming an adult. That is “Who You Are.”

  5. “Dean of Student Success” gives a clue as to why higher education costs too much – too much dead wood BS.
    If only the “Dean of Student Success” was somehow monetarily rewarded, or not, for actual student success!

  6. They pulled this crap on us at the mega-oil company I worked at. They brought in a bunch of lesbos from the northeast to tell us how to think. I believe me and the boys converted a few of them by the time we told them how the cow ate the cabbage.

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