Syrian Islamist group live “tweeted” the amputation of an accused thief’s hand – IOTW Report

Syrian Islamist group live “tweeted” the amputation of an accused thief’s hand

Clarion Project

A live-feed of the cutting off of an accused thief's hand by a jihadi group in Syria.

In the first of its kind, a hard-line Islamist group vying for power in Syria, live “tweeted” the amputation of an accused thief’s hand on Twitter.

The gruesome photos released by the group ISIS (the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) on a live internet feed came in a series: The first one showed a blind-folded man being held next to a table with one man dressed in a traditional white robe reading a statement. Standing next to him is a man in a traditional black balaclava holding a large sword.

The second shot shows the man being retrained while the sword comes down on his hand. The last shot shows the man looking like he has fainted with his severed hand lying bloodied on the table.

ISI claimed that the man asked for the punishment “in order to cleanse his sins.”



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