Syrian Refugees Celebrate Christmas By Torching Homeless Man – IOTW Report

Syrian Refugees Celebrate Christmas By Torching Homeless Man

DC: German authorities arrested seven refugees Tuesday morning in connection to an assault committed against a homeless man in a Berlin subway station.

According to the Daily Mail, the refugees — six from Syria and one from Libya — were arrested after a CCTV camera in the Schonleinstrabe station filmed the Christmas eve attack.

The suspects’ ages range from 15 to 21, and Berlin Police spokesman Thomas Neuendorf stated the 21 year old is being treated as the primary suspect.

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8 Comments on Syrian Refugees Celebrate Christmas By Torching Homeless Man

  1. As badly as Europe (and America) needs to rid itself of the bronze-age barbarian horde of goat-fucking muslims imported by the Left, the people behind the muslim invasion must go as well.

    The people that caused and enabled this invasion are the real problem.

    Presuming the muslim issue is concluded with finality, the cause of that problem will still be present. The left must go – either to the Arabian Peninsula with their pet muslims, or into reservations for the criminally insane somewhere, or into mass graves. I’d prefer the first option, because the muslims would kill them for us – an end the Left deserves.

    We can’t coexist with people that want our utter destruction, and who spend every making moment working toward that end.

  2. I thought the “Germans” that weren’t producing enough surplus wealth for the “German” International Banking cartel were the trash the New “Germans” were meant to replace. Why is this story “news”?

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