Hedge Funds Shorting the US Stock Market
The Telegraph Hedge funds have bet billions of dollars against Donald Trump’s America amid fears of a market crash. Data from Goldman Sachs show there has been a surge in [Read More]
The Telegraph Hedge funds have bet billions of dollars against Donald Trump’s America amid fears of a market crash. Data from Goldman Sachs show there has been a surge in [Read More]
Real Clear Politics White House press secretary Jen Psaki avoided answering a question during Thursday’s briefing about whether newly confirmed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen should recuse herself from advising the president on [Read More]
It was reported that the financial giant Goldman Sachs bought $2.8 billion in bonds issued by Venezuela’s oil company, PDVSA, at 30 cents to the dollar. The bonds are due [Read More]
DC: Leaked emails reveal one of Hillary Clinton’s longtime advisers privately acknowledging just how damaging Clinton’s paid speeches to Goldman Sachs could be to her campaign. In January 2016, a handful of Clinton [Read More]
Breitbart: Hillary Clinton told a private behind-closed-doors audience at Goldman Sachs that she “represented all of you for eight years in the United States Senate. Clinton said in an October [Read More]
Sputnik: The recently WikiLeaks dump of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta’s personal emails exposed the “missing” transcripts of the former Secretary of State’s speeches to Wall Street and suggest that [Read More]
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