kids – IOTW Report

“Last One In…”

Saturday, 25 July 2020, 17:00 Dr. Tar 6

How many times do you remember hearing that growing up? This video is all about then and now at the lake. Watch

I love nap time

Wednesday, 7 December 2016, 0:15 MJA 7

Kids are like little balls of energy. They can hurtle around your home for hours on end, then promptly collapse into a deep sleep when their ’batteries’ run out — and usually, this means [Read More]

Another taxpayer-funded jaunt

Friday, 17 June 2016, 1:30 MJA 16

PatriotRetort//Whelp, it’s time for another taxpayer-funded jaunt for Michelle Obama and the girls. The Obamaleeches ladies will be traveling to Liberia, Morocco and Spain — ostensibly for Mrs. Obama’s “Let [Read More]