state department – IOTW Report

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Sunday, 31 December 2023, 20:00 Dr. Tar 9

Daily Caller “Ballroom Saves Lives: Resiliency and Wellness in Peru,” the program supported by the State Department, seeks to use ballroom to connect young LGBTQIA+ leaders with medical resources and to build [Read More]

DOJ Offered Plea Deal to Hillary

Thursday, 10 August 2017, 11:45 Dr. Tar 51

Apparently the Department of Justice offered not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her mistreatment of classified information if she admitted to breaking the law. More Meanwhile, a federal judge has [Read More]

Why Hasn’t This Man Been Indicted?

Monday, 17 October 2016, 13:45 Dr. Tar 22

In what is clearly an open and shut case of attempted evidence tampering and attempted bribery of a federal official, Undersecretary of Management at the State Department Patrick Kennedy should be prosecuted to [Read More]

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