Taiwan: Factory that is essential to creating hydroxychloroquine blows up – IOTW Report

Taiwan: Factory that is essential to creating hydroxychloroquine blows up



The materials from this factory are necessary to make HCQ… and now, the factory has been completely destroyed.

This news comes just days after the COVID-19 vaccine has been slowly distributed across the country.

HCQ was under controversy earlier in the year when President Trump praised its suspected benefits.

Many doctors and researchers have even gone on the record to defend HCQ.

However, there appeared to be a concerted effort to diminish HCQ’s effectiveness.

And now, an unexplained explosion has destroyed a factory that is ESSENTIAL to creating hydroxychloroquine. more

16 Comments on Taiwan: Factory that is essential to creating hydroxychloroquine blows up

  1. I’ve seen comparisons between the covid death rates in the countries that use hydroxychloroquine to treat it and those that ban using it and it’s amazing, with those using it showing a small fraction of the death rate of those that don’t.

    A shame there was an accident at that factory, it’s probably going to cost lives.

  2. If 2020 was a plot in a movie NO ONE would believe it!

    The critics would say that it was too obvious and predictable with 2 thumbs down.

    What is really surprising is how after a century of dystopian films where humanity is suppressed by the government both the media & Hollywood resort to calling US conspiracy theorists.

    You think that these people would realize that Stalin actually erased people from existence & re-wrote history. Who will remember the names of the shit stain usefull idiots in 20 years?


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