A 7.7 magnitude earthquake rocked Taiwan on April 3, the strongest tremor to hit the island in at least 25 years, killing 4 people, injuring dozens and sparking a tsunami warning for southern Japan and the Philippines that was later lifted. At least 26 buildings have collapsed, more than half in Hualien, with about 20 people trapped and rescue work on-going.

26 buildings collapsed and 4 dead…. kinda miraculous if you axe me. God bless them.
Have they blamed climate change yet?
Naw – not climate change … TRUMP!
I’ve seen this monster movie.
I’m not gonna spoil it for ya.
…meanwhile, in the Midwest, throughout Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana they closed businesses, let schools out early, and broke into programming constantly with news that there was a possibility of thunderstorms in Ohio in April.
Cowards. Craven weaklings. Mewling little pussies running from raindrops.
I grew UP there, was there for the April 3rd ’74 tornadoes that they used to scare everyone 50 years later with, went out and played in them with my FD in the Bush/Clinton years and had an F5 skip over my business that I had to weave my way through toppled semis to get through in ’99 that utterly erased an adjacent neighborhood, and I have NEVER in that 50 years seen such spineless curs as were on display yesterday, hiding all day from storms that, other that two actual tornadoes that were WELL waned in advance, turned out to not be all that bad.
I went out first Chinese that night. The streets were damp. Call the National Guard with sponge mops, I guess.
How the HELL is this Nation EVER going to throw of the tyranny of the global Communists while cowering in their basements because it MIGHT rain?
They sure have made curs of a vast majority of my fellow citizens, and this gives me even less hope that we can EVER repel the forces of evil TODAY than I had on EASTER, given that most of the pansies here in the heartland blanch and run from thunder and lightning.
Jesus wept.
…if they can chase the supposedly doughy denizens of the heartland underground with threats of WIND, what the HELL are we going to do as a society when the tanks roll over whatever bridges they don’t destroy beforehand?
God Bless these Formosans in their hour of need, and may they prove more equal to the task of facing natural adversity and Chinese aggression than we did here with that disgraceful display of recreant poultroonery on full display here in the alleged Home Of The Brave.
Those leaning buildings are impressive. Crumbled buildings kill people.
It might be that the teachers didn’t use up all their snow days?
WEDNESDAY, 3 APRIL 2024, 9:09 AT 9:09 AM
It might be that the teachers didn’t use up all their snow days?”
…Maybe. It didn’t snow much. But they’re wimps about that now too.
Nothing like in MY day, when we had to walk uphill, both ways, with pots and pans on our ankles because we couldn’t afford feet…
WEDNESDAY, 3 APRIL 2024, 8:53 AT 8:53 AM
“Those leaning buildings are impressive. Crumbled buildings kill people.”
You’re right. They fool people because they seem stable, but it doesn’t take much sometimes to inspire further collapse.
There’s a reason USAR (Urban Search And Rescue) is a specialty within even the fire service, and that it’s highly trained members are flown all over the world for events like this…
Increasing talk about replacement nominee for Shitpants.
Are we sure the tremor cause wasn’t ‘ambassador’ Mooch deplaning?