Taiwan Will Defend Differently Than Ukraine in Event of Chinese Invasion: Expert – IOTW Report

Taiwan Will Defend Differently Than Ukraine in Event of Chinese Invasion: Expert


TAIPEI, Taiwan—Military strategists worldwide have been analyzing the war in Ukraine, particularly how Ukrainians have been able to stall the military advancement of much powerful Russia using mobile weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles and the Stinger portable air-defense system.

These strategists are making comparisons to Taiwan, an island that would also be fighting a much more powerful foe, should the Chinese regime take a cue from Russia and invade its democratic neighbor.

However, a China expert in Taiwan pointed out that Ukraine and Taiwan are fundamentally different, given that the former shares a land border with Russia, while the latter is an island that is separated from mainland China by a narrow body of water called Taiwan Strait.

Ding Shuh-fan, emeritus professor of the Graduate Institute of East Asia Studies at Taiwan’s National Chengchi University, told The Epoch Times that if the Taiwanese were using Javelin or Stinger to defend themselves, that would mean the Chinese military was about to land in Taiwan or has already landed, which would not be ideal in terms of defending the island’s sovereignty.

“What’s best for Taiwan is that their landing forces do not land in Taiwan at all,” Ding said.

“For example, if Chinese military forces begin to assemble, let’s say, in Fujian, we could potentially fire short-range missiles at their ports, particularly military ports, or strike their landing vessels.” Fujian is a southern Chinese Province that sits direct opposite Taiwan. MORE

11 Comments on Taiwan Will Defend Differently Than Ukraine in Event of Chinese Invasion: Expert

  1. Taiwan better have a plan because you can’t count on Biden & the US, or Davos, or the UN.

    Remember under Biden, the US leaves people behind!

  2. I know about as much about military strategy as any of the other couple million bloggers on the internet (and as much as any well paid “expert” in our intelligence services as evidenced by how much they are wrong) but I have the feeling that the Chinese military is well trained, well-motivated and have light years better equipment than the Keystone Cop Russian military where the difference between a Russian tank and a golf ball is that you can actually drive a golf ball 300 yards.

    And Taiwan is more in our “sphere of influence” than Ukraine is.

    China is the real enemy, our attention must be there.

  3. ” Chinese military is well trained, well-motivated and have light years better equipment”

    Totally disagree. The Indian’s kicked their ass with next to nothing, on their border. China likes to talk about all the cool tech it stole from us and perfected. Has it ever been tested? Hell no. I honestly think they’re afraid to test it. Taiwan’s air force consist of mainly F16s. Still a formidable air-frame which kicks F35 butt routinely. Taiwan’s pilots were trainer here. China’s coolest new fighter was built direct from F35 specs. My prediction is Taiwan owns the sky. And that’s going to be a problem for the Chinese.

  4. First thing Taiwan will hit are the dams in China–specifically the 3 Gorges Dam located right above Wuhan. It would destroy everything below the dam including Wuhan:

    Sep 11, 2020, 9:28 AM

    Nonetheless, in a scenario of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, Taiwanese defence planners have since the 1990s discussed using long-range missiles to hit the dam. Given the concurrent tense relations between India and China, with Indian generals warning of military escalation, this may also be a likely target should further conflict break out.

    But if this happens, it would be devastating to China as 400 million people live downstream, as well as the majority of the PLA’s reserve forces that are located midstream and downstream of the Yangtze River. According to Wang, if the dam is bombed and the water rushes down, 90% of the PLA airborne division would be wiped out.

    As such it is precarious that China, India and Taiwan are all engaged in a game of chicken at this juncture. Hopefully there is a hotline among the militaries for de-escalation, because the well-being of millions of their people hang in the balance.

    https: //blogs. timesofisrael. com/ chinas-three- gorges-dam-a-military- target-in-war- with-taiwan- india/

    (take the spaces out)

  5. Well, As I said, I’m no military expert but it took about 5 minutes to come up with links that intimate a real fight between China and Taiwan would pretty much be over before it started. I’ll just provide one link, but there are several others saying the exact same thing;


    [substitute https for xxxxx]

    “On paper, the task looks impossible. China’s military is 10 times as large as Taiwan’s and includes Asia’s biggest air force and the world’s largest army, conventional missile force, coast guard, and navy by number of ships. China’s long-range air-defense systems can shoot down aircraft over Taiwan, and China’s land-based missiles and combat aircraft could potentially wipe out Taiwan’s air force and navy and destroy U.S. bases in East Asia in a preemptive strike. China has built several times more naval ships than the United States since 2015, and it now outspends Taiwan 25-to-1 annually on defense. The cross-strait military balance is clearly shifting in China’s favor.”


    “The list of Taiwan’s military shortcomings is long. More than a quarter of Taiwan’s annual defense budget is earmarked for domestically made ships and submarines that will not be deployed for years, fighter aircraft that may not make it off the ground in a war, and tanks that cannot easily maneuver on beaches or in jungles or cities. As part of its ongoing transition to an all-volunteer military, Taiwan has cut its active-duty force from 275,000 to 175,000 troops and reduced the length of conscription from one year to four months. Recruits receive only a few weeks of basic training, and reservists are called up for just a few days every two years.”


    And as for their superior fighter pilots;

    “Some estimates suggest that Taiwan’s pilots fly for less than 10 hours per month and that more than half of Taiwan’s tanks and attack helicopters are dysfunctional. Many Taiwanese soldiers lack basic tactical knowledge, have rarely practiced firing their weapons, and suffer low morale”

    Here is a link that compares both Miltary’s next to each other;


    David had a better chance against Goliath

  6. Frankly I expected China to attack a month ago; my sense is that they aren’t going to soon.
    I think Taiwan is well-prepared and very motivated; this is an ongoing cold war for them, for over 70 years. They would appreciate support but will do whatever they need to do.

  7. “Frankly I expected China to attack a month ago; my sense is that they aren’t going to soon.:

    Don’t be surprised if they never do. From my exposure I think they’re all talk and no balls. For reasons I mentioned above. But full disclosure I’m an American Manufacturer and have always recognized China, and our politicians that bend over forwards for them to attain personal wealth, as my enemy. I’ve witnessed some unbelievable shit. Treason.
    Also, we have weapons systems you never hear of. A few of them are defensive weapons that would hurt an invading force BAD. NLOS comes to mind. Cool shit. And our stuff works.

  8. Chinese ships crossing the strait would be primary targets, mainland air strips near Taiwan are likely pre programmed into missiles, as China’s fighters are deficient in virtually every way. Targeting aerial refueling tankers would further reduce the Chinese air force to near impotence.

  9. A while back I read that Japan, Australia, India, Vietnam, the Philippines and others had vowed to help Taiwan if China attacked. They all fear China’s aggression, especially the Philippines. I have not read anything more about it lately.

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