Take a Virtual Tour of One of the World’s Largest Gingerbread Cities – IOTW Report

Take a Virtual Tour of One of the World’s Largest Gingerbread Cities


In the center of the town of Bergen, Norway, the sweet smell of cloves, cinnamon, and allspice emanates from an old public swimming pool arena. Inside is a massive baked and sugar-coated city made out of gingerbread—claimed to be the largest gingerbread village in the world. …

Atlas Obscura

7 Comments on Take a Virtual Tour of One of the World’s Largest Gingerbread Cities

  1. About 35 – 40 years ago I hosted the early December meeting of my sorority. I told everyone to bring a couple bags of colorful candies.

    I made tubs and tubs of the white sticky frosting that holds the gingerbread houses together. I also made all the gingerbread panels for all the house sides and roofs. Boy was I stupid when I was younger.

    It was fun, and the houses came out really cute considering I served booze .

  2. I saw first hand how insidious this candy crap is when I lived in CO. Young adults & children eat this stuff and are high all day long without any of the tell tales signs of smoking.

    Funny how it’s legalized, taxed and then the tax money is used to warn people about it. Lord. I was just back a few weeks ago and the state is already addicted to this new revenue stream yet it’s causing a huge increase of health services.

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