Take the hint, Joe! – IOTW Report

Take the hint, Joe!

Report: Obama Said Joe Biden ‘Really Doesn’t’ Connect with Iowa Voters.

SNIP: None of them connect with reality.

Breitbart: Former President Barack Obama reportedly told an unnamed 2020 candidate that former vice president Joe Biden lacks an “intimate bond” with voters, especially in Iowa, the first-in-the-nation caucus state.

“Sometimes [Obama] offers candid advice about his visitors’ strengths and weaknesses. With several lesser-known candidates, according to people who have talked to him or been briefed on his meetings, he was blunt about the challenges of breaking out of a large field. His advice is not always heeded. He told Patrick earlier this year that it was likely “too late” for him to secure “money and talent” if he jumped in the race. Occasionally, he can be cutting. With one candidate, he pointed out that during his own 2008 campaign, he had an intimate bond with the electorate, especially in Iowa, that he no longer has. Then he added, “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”

Obama’s remarks about Biden’s issues in Hawkeye State are reflected in his falling poll numbers. “According to the latest CBS News Battleground Tracker poll, Biden is down eight points in Iowa from June to November to leave him tied with Senator Bernie Sanders at 22% as the top choice among registered Iowa Democrats. They were just ahead of South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (21%) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (18%). Other recent polls have shown Biden polling as low as fourth within that top tier, CBS News said.

Obama’s brutal assessment of Biden’s performance on the trail, which has been a constant source of concern for Democratic Party officials and primary voters, is sure to add to the narrative that the former president has little — if any — faith in his former number two’s ability to secure the nomination. Obama infamously did not endorse Biden’s latest White House bid. In a 60 Minutes interview, the former vice president claimed Obama’s silence was at his own request. “I asked him not to,” Biden said. “I think it’s better — I think he thinks it’s better for me.”

While Lizza acknowledges this public statement, he writes that Biden “wanted a nudge” and was “infuriated” by the former president’s reclusive approach to this political cycle. more

7 Comments on Take the hint, Joe!

  1. Nothing to see here. Move along.
    Joe will be the nominee, just like Hillary was in 2016. It is already determined.
    We will see numerous accounts about various people in the multitude that temporarily get a jump, but it has already been decided.

    I can hardly wait for the debates between President Trump and sleepy Joe. Not that they will make any difference.

    MAGA 2020

  2. Biden needs to wear the Obama logo pin instead of the American flag, like Yang wears a math pin. It’s not who endorses Biden, it’s what Biden endorses. Figure Yang endorses math, but math doesn’t endorse him and the commies love it. It would work for Biden too. Liz should wear a headdress, and Bernie should wear a hammer and sickle. Enough of this bullshit with all these candidates supporting America – we can see right thru that bullshit.


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