‘Take the Money and Run.’ – IOTW Report

‘Take the Money and Run.’

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A Danish museum lent an artist $84,000 for his work. He kept the cash and named the art ‘Take the Money and Run.’

When the staff at Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in ​​northern Denmark opened boxes last week from artist Jens Haaning, they expected to see pieces featuring the half-million kroner they lent him for the works of art, the director told a Danish radio show host.

Instead, the museum — which had commissioned Haaning to re-create two of his older pieces that were made with cash — found two empty frames.

The new name for the artwork: “Take the Money and Run.”

17 Comments on ‘Take the Money and Run.’

  1. not sure I quite understand the deal (surprise!!!)
    if they “lent” him the money to re-create previous works & he didn’t do them doesn’t he still own the “loan”?
    I understand the ‘artist’s’ action of giving them empty canvases & calling it ‘Take The Money, & Run’, because in the US art galleries would be hailing it as ‘genius’ … not sure I would disagree
    but still, why would someone ‘loan’ $$$ for commissioned art?

  2. Used to be, forgers had to work hard to rip off museums…
    Now, this. Which cracks me up because the ‘artist’ is beating them at their own ‘contemporary art’ money laundering scheme! He’s either going to be a one-hit-wonder or this is the start of a brilliant career. Either way, the museum ain’t getting a refund.

    Anybody looking for a good read on the modern art world, check out ‘Provenance: How a Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art’ …and check out someplace other than amazon to buy it, like this little collection of independent bookstores: https://www.alibris.com/booksearch?mtype=B&keyword=Provenance%3A+How+a+Con+Man+and+a+Forger+Rewrote+the+History+of+Modern+Art&hs.x=0&hs.y=0

  3. Ibram X. Kendi (nee Ibram Henry Rogers) makes over $300,000 to speak empty words.
    Robin DiAngelo (nee white woman) made over $2 million for an empty book.
    And don’t forget Hunter Biden’s finger paintings (who knows where those fingers have been)!
    Seems like the fools at the museum got a bargain.

  4. It’s Performance art. He is branching out in a new direction.

    I have way more respect for him than Yoko Ohno at the NY art gallery screaming like a Cat with a curling iron up its ass as morons applaud her.

    Find it yourselves on Y-tube.


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