Taliban enact more restrictions on Afghans’ air travel, facial hair – IOTW Report

Taliban enact more restrictions on Afghans’ air travel, facial hair

Just The News: Taliban rulers in Afghanistan continue to strip away the many freedoms and rights of ordinary Afghan civilians, bringing the country back to the days of Islamic Sharia law rule.  

When the Biden administration decided in 2021 to completely pull United States forces from Afghanistan, thereby allowing the Taliban to take over, many analysts predicted that the country would be subjugated to extreme Islamic rule, erasing all efforts made by the U.S. and the West to improve Afghanistan over the course of two decades. 

In 2022, Taliban rulers continue a strict and authoritarian rule against ordinary Afghan women, children, and men, with draconian restrictions such as prohibiting women from traveling alone, stipulating specific grooming requirements for men, prohibiting access to foreign media, and obtaining complete control of public areas. 

Recently, according to employees and officials working at Afghan airlines and travel agencies such as Kam Air claimed that the Taliban ordered them to stop allowing women to board planes if they were traveling without a male relative.  read more

7 Comments on Taliban enact more restrictions on Afghans’ air travel, facial hair

  1. Speaking of draconian restrictions, could they possibly be more restrictive than US airlines?
    Bet those diverse ‘Ghani’s don’t have to wear masks and I’ll give a herd of goats to the first passenger with a peanut allergy.

  2. So, my options are “Lesbian rulers mandate unlimited abortions on the public’s dimes, and pædotranny story hours on the public’s dimes for those single mom’s on the public’s dimes that refuse ‘free’ abortions” or “The Taliban!!!eleventy!!!”?

    Gimme’ a (few) decade(s). I’m thinkin’ about it.

  3. Let’s take those great American populist Presidents we know, since they all seem to agree on immigration and the liquidation of our Republic, i.e. obozo, Bubba, W, and biden*, and drop them into Afghanistan so they can feel the love of the common people they so screwed.

    If any of these traitorous jackasses survive, play the game again in Bosnia, in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, or YOOkrane, or Iran, or Meheeco, Venezuela, Somalia, Egypt ….. so many countries grateful for US love!

    They’ll be greeted as the Great Alexander! Send Cheney and his daughter, all the CIA chiefs and defense contractors CEO too.

  4. Has the Talifag goat fuckers decreed which hand people have to use to scrape the shit out of their ass, sans TP?

    It might be hard for those that have had their hands hacked off already.

    How about we tell Putin if he really really wants to fire the nucs to just go ahead and do it. But just turn the Islamic hellholes into glass skating rinks.

  5. @There’s no plunger big enough for this April 2, 2022 at 12:44 pm

    > Let’s take those great American populist Presidents we know

    Because Saint Pol Potting them, all, is more work?

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