Taliban Five Traded By Obama For Traitor Bowe Bergdahl Now Face U.S. In Peace Talks – IOTW Report

Taliban Five Traded By Obama For Traitor Bowe Bergdahl Now Face U.S. In Peace Talks

The Lid: The Taliban fighters who were freed by ex-President Barack Obama from Guantanamo in a trade for traitor Bowe Bergdahl are now negotiating opposite the  U.S. in the Afghanistan peace talks.

The Taliban Five were long-term Afghan detainees at Guantanamo Bay and former high-ranking members of the Taliban government of Afghanistan who, after being held indefinitely without charges, were exchanged for United States Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl.

The five were originally in U.S. custody because they were instrumental in the Taliban as organized by leader Mullah Mohammed Omar and were part of the Taliban terrorist leadership. Now we have to negotiate peace with them? So I guess we do negotiate with terrorists.

Per the Free Beacon:

The five senior members of the Afghan Taliban who were freed from the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in exchange for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in 2014 now faces American diplomats and military officials in peace talks over the terms of an American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Taliban has been sure to involve the former prisoners in the talks, including each day during the recent round of negotiations with American diplomats and generals in Doha, Qatar, the New York Times reported Tuesday.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on Taliban Five Traded By Obama For Traitor Bowe Bergdahl Now Face U.S. In Peace Talks

  1. Where is the traitor now days? Probably still drawing Sgt’s pay.
    Hey Obozo, when Trump gets done erasing the rest of your idiotic programs this traitor will be your lasting legacy.

  2. Peace talks in that part of the world are just agreed upon periods to allow time for regrouping, recruiting, and rearming before the next round of fighting.

    Something the U.S. needs to learn.

  3. Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnd he’s still Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, four-flushing, snake-licking, jug-eared, dog-eating, inept, lying, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, Bush-blaming, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, Constitution-stomping, Communist Organizing, Feckless Fruitloop, Kenyan Kremepuff, plastic banana republic Manchurian Doorknob and Marxist Muzlim Mallard!


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