Taliban Issues Fresh Threat to Biden Amid Reports of ‘Gunfire’ Near Kabul Airport – IOTW Report

Taliban Issues Fresh Threat to Biden Amid Reports of ‘Gunfire’ Near Kabul Airport

Becker News: The Taliban rulers of Afghanistan are making it clear to U.S. President Joe Biden that American citizens, and any effort to rescue them, after the August 31 will not be welcome

The Islamic extremist regime rejected Biden’s offer to extend the deadline and warned of “consequences” for attempting to evacuate U.S. citizens after that point in time.

“The Taliban will not agree to an extension of the August 31 deadline for the United States to withdraw troops and a delay will bring consequences,” a spokesman told Sky News.

“You can say it’s a red line,” spokesman Suhail Shaheen said in an interview. “If the US or UK were to seek additional time to continue evacuations — the answer is no. Or there would be consequences.”

On early Monday, there were reports gunfire broke out near an entrance to the airport. The circumstances of the shooting, which happened around dawn, are unclear. more

Afghan Guard Shot in Firefight at Kabul Airport, Says German Military. [story]

British Ministers are Now Openly Stating Their Belief That Biden Has Gone ‘Completely Mad’ [Story]

10 Comments on Taliban Issues Fresh Threat to Biden Amid Reports of ‘Gunfire’ Near Kabul Airport

  1. “British Ministers are Now Openly Stating Their Belief That Biden Has Gone ‘Completely Mad’ ”


    He couldn’t GO mad.

    Because he was never sane in the first place.

  2. Pentagon press conference this morning – great point made:

    The August 31 date needs to be moved back, for planning, two? three? days to allow for evacuation of military, embassy, and other known personnel, known of. Losing the days required for those people, the August 31 date, for everyone not in those groups is actually closer to August 29, 28, etc.

  3. Great. The… ‘good’ 🙄 … ‘ol days of Jimmeh Catah really ARE back & COMPLETE now! mohammedans holding Americans hostage, AGAIN!

    SlowJoe’s gonna party like it’s November 4, 1979! 😡

  4. “You can say it’s a red line” says Suhail Shaheen. Wow, I have never heard of a Jewish Taliban fighter before today. Could be just because I’m a bit drunk.

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