Taliban Orders Hair and Beauty Salons in Afghanistan to Close – IOTW Report

Taliban Orders Hair and Beauty Salons in Afghanistan to Close

Epoch Times: The Taliban in Afghanistan has ordered beauty salons in the country to close within a month, according to a Taliban spokesperson, marking another blow to Afghan women’s rights since the regime seized power nearly two years ago.

Mohammad Sadiq Akif, a spokesman for the Taliban-led Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, said on Tuesday that the deadline for shutting beauty parlors is one month, starting from July 2, when they were first informed of the move.

An Afghan woman reacting to the notice told the BBC that hair salons in Kabul and other cities will be closed as well. “It’s more shocking news for Afghan women,” she told the network. “I went out and saw all the salons in my locality were closed.”

Another Afghan woman, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Taliban’s latest decree is to “eliminate women at every level of public life” and prevent women from serving other women.

“The Taliban are taking away the most basic human rights from Afghan women,” she said. MORE

18 Comments on Taliban Orders Hair and Beauty Salons in Afghanistan to Close

  1. I hope to God that worthless Joe Biden suffers the pains of hell for the things he’s done, the needless death of those poor souls in Afghanistan. Someone should put him on a damn plane, open the doors and shove him out in the middle of the country. I volunteer

  2. That’s too bad, but not in the least surprising. And I do not want ANY more muslims here. They do not assimilate and they hate freedom and Americans.

  3. 9/11/21 a leftist exPresident said in Pa that when his generals left $billions of weaponry for the Taliban it was good! The Taliban are better friends to America than Reagan followers!

    I NEVER VOTED FOR HIM. and his actions the last 22 years make me proud of my vote.

    I love the country he hates!

    The men he referred to all got their “flags” from the leftist I mentioned. They clearly are his; not Joe’s.

  4. Chumlee AT 11:58 AM
    “With all the shit they cover themselves with, who’s going to notice?”

    …the nice thing about a Muslim divorce is that no one will notice if you don’t change the wedding picture on your desk between wives…

  5. We paid for their freedom with blood, weapons and cash it didn’t stick because they rejected freedom and wouldn’t fight for it. They rolled over the next day which was part of the plan by the biteme folks.
    We should never again be trusted to help another nation to be free, it’s a black hole to poor money and lives into.
    Now about our freedom?
    If we lose it it’s not coming back.
    Our enemies are many, but they are losing the hearts and minds of the people. Somewhere around 80% of Americans know our government is out of control.

  6. To think of our vets who risked their lives and limbs to that garbage hole of a country really irks me more than the women losing their salons.
    There is no such thing as Freedom when your entire culture centers around Islam.

  7. Honestly, was it Good to give them some freedoms & some education, especially for the women, for a very limited time, only to have it snatched away fro another hundred years?

    My Dad, & many here, grew up with very little like almost everyone around them, yet they were generally happier than today in many aspects.

    Imagine being a young girl in Afghanistan that was learning about the outside world & what their potential could be, and then suddenly be forced indoors & under a Black tent by the Taliban for the rest of your life.

    Maybe it was better to have never know there was an alternative…

    I have no idea.


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