Taliban referred to Bergdahl as ‘golden chicken’ – IOTW Report

Taliban referred to Bergdahl as ‘golden chicken’

“A dead soldier was worth nothing, but he was captured alive,” one Taliban member involved in Bergdahl’s capture said on Thursday’s episode. “He was like a golden chicken.”

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15 Comments on Taliban referred to Bergdahl as ‘golden chicken’

  1. This whole deal has the stench of backdoor government deal all over it. I couldn’t begin to imagine where or how, but someone fcuked up royally. There’s far more worthy Americans to bring home than this pot smoking goof.

  2. I think it’s just 0bama showing his hatred for America by resupplying the Taliban with jihadi fighters that our troops had already captured and jailed. Bergdahl is just an extra slap in the face of America. He’s a worthless traitor and should have been taken out along with his captors in a drone airstrike.

  3. As crazy as it sounds, this actually looks like a bad imitation of Sgt. Nicholas Brody in S1 of Homeland. Only the guy was ‘turned’ before he was caught by the enemy. He may have even been set up by the WH to be exchanged for Gitmo prisoners. obama did try to turn him into a national hero but it just didn’t take. So six of our guys are killed looking for him and a number of other good soldiers had their characters and honor attacked for telling the truth about him.

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