Taliban Targets Private Life – IOTW Report

Taliban Targets Private Life

The Taliban administration in Afghanistan continues to mistreat women, and now hundreds of them risk prosecution for adultery after the government deemed their divorces invalid, which also renders their second marriage illegitimate. The announcement, which comes after the regime deprived Afghan women of their work and educational opportunities, is yet another blow to their rights.

16 Comments on Taliban Targets Private Life

  1. This is the unintended consequence of Pax Americana. the U.S. expects a theocratic country like Afghanistan to conjure up feminism just because we occupied them for 20 years. Maybe the hypocrites in the U.N. should do something about it.

    That being said, I do pray for the Afghan women.

  2. Too bad the women can’t go on a no-sex strike.
    The (KOFF!) “men” (KOFF!) have other alternatives, like sheep, goats, and bacha bazi.

  3. Biden gave them the most abundant source of weapons ever during the failed (on purpose) withdrawal. I suggest these women start learning how to acquire and use them on their captors.

    “But they might die doing that”, you say?

    Their life is already a fate WORSE than death.

  4. We gave them 20 years of our blood and treasure to figure it out, and if this was the best they can do after that, sorry, but at some point slaves have to cast off their OWN chains, it does no good for us to remove them if you just put them back on after we leave.

    …expect a similar “reward” for all the billions we’ve poured into the Ukrainian money laundry.

    If mankind survives the nuclear holocaust.

    Or the global poisoning by Democrats.

    Or the Democrat caused mass starvation.

    Or…yep, noticing a trend here, sorry, we have our OWN chains to throw off so can’t help you with YOURS any more…

  5. I think our democrats have a great deal in common with the Taliban. The Taliban comes from a bullshit johnny come lately religious angle and the democrats come at it from a Godless or even satanic angle. The objective of both groups is a ‘strangling control’ of everything and everyone down to the smallest detail.

  6. …and just in case you don’t think an Afgan woman can be forceful, research Alexander the Great’s wife Roxana.

    You may be surprised just how termagant an Afgan woman can be, even to the conquerer of the known world…

  7. TERMAGENT??? [now, that’s a new one…to me!!!!]:

    “A woman regarded as quarrelsome or scolding; a shrew.

    [capitalized] An imaginary deity, supposed to have been worshiped by the Mohammedans, and introduced into the moralities and other shows, in which he figured as a most violent and turbulent personage.

    A turbulent, brawling person, male or female.

    [Never ceases to amaze me!]”

  8. I still feel horrible more for the soldiers who died or were maimed fighting for this backward country only for Biden slap them in the face with his disaterous withdraw.


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