Talk Show Host Gets the Boot For Simply Stating the Truth About Muhammad – IOTW Report

Talk Show Host Gets the Boot For Simply Stating the Truth About Muhammad

The Bond Report

Michael Smith has landed himself in hot water once again for stating that Muhammad was a paedophile. While discussing child marriages on the 26th of June on his regular Thursday segment with Ben Fordham on 2GB, Smith said, The prophet Muhammad was a paedophile, a pederast, a sexual offender, a man who promoted the idea that it was OK to marry a six-year-old and consummate the marriage when the little girl was nine. And that’s written into their books, it’s part of the philosophy … the Koran. It’s factually correct.”

What’s the problem? Nothing as far as I’m concerned.

2GB and its listeners didn’t see it like that though. According to Smith’s website,, he received a call from 2GB Program Director David Kidd telling him that his arrangement to present the station’s afternoon show for three weeks from the 30th of June had been cancelled. Kidd reportedly told Smith, “We won’t be needing you. You can’t call a deity a paedophile.” The fact is, he can and he did and good on him for doing it. I should add that Muhammad was not a deity, but a prophet.

A listener called in to denounce Smith’s statement and call it “ridiculous”.


Ridiculous? Really? It’s in the Koran. If you’re outraged by what’s in your book maybe it’s time to throw the friggin’ book away, no?

ht/ CalebBond


5 Comments on Talk Show Host Gets the Boot For Simply Stating the Truth About Muhammad

  1. A deity? A fucking deity? You’ve got to be jacking me! He was a man and not much of one at that.

    Muzzies will fuck about anything, little girls or boys, goats, sheep, camels, other muzzies and every once in a while a woman if they can’t get one of the above.

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