Tampa: So-Called ‘Nazis’ Seen As ‘Fed Op,’ Group Quick To Split When Confronted – IOTW Report

Tampa: So-Called ‘Nazis’ Seen As ‘Fed Op,’ Group Quick To Split When Confronted

BPR: A group of self-proclaimed Nazis appeared outside Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit conference this weekend in Tampa, but critics say all the evidence points to them once again having been Democrats in disguise.

Some of the evidence was provided by Tayler Hansen, a field reporter with the conservative outlet Next News Network.

When Hansen asked the Nazis why they’d shown up together, they feigned ignorance and acted as if they’d each come out there individually.

“This is a common reoccurrence. These people show up, give bad optics. I mean, they’re at a damn high school event right now. I asked them why they’re here at a high school event, why they chose this, and if they’re organized. They said no, we’re not organized, we just all showed up,” Hansen said in a video recording.

“So they just all showed up individually and decided that they’re all going to be Nazis and wave Nazi flags outside a high school event allegedly without even communicating with each other.”

He added that this clearly makes no sense.

“Because that make a lot of sense. They were able to just sync their minds and all come in here at the same time with no Telegram group chats, no group chats to organize, absolutely no organization, they said. Yet they’re all here doing the exact same things,” he said.

Hansen also noted that the ostensible Nazis kept contradicting one another. more

7 Comments on Tampa: So-Called ‘Nazis’ Seen As ‘Fed Op,’ Group Quick To Split When Confronted

  1. “Unorganized Nazis?” Isn’t that self-contradicting?
    National Socialists are known for their organization – like all other socialists.

    I believe Nancy Pelosi even made a statement to the effect that the Demonrats (Nazis) had organization above all else.

    Something about how they didn’t “complain” – they organized. And we’ve seen it with the 2020 electoral fraud, CoVid/Wuhan Flu Dempanic, Monkeypox Hoax, Globaloney Warming Hoax, and a host of other abuses.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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