Tanks in our Capital?! Oh, the HUMANITY!!! – IOTW Report

Tanks in our Capital?! Oh, the HUMANITY!!!

Patriot Retort:

Maybe it’s just me (it’s not), but I think it would be way cool to see a military parade in Washington DC.  And, I’ll be honest, seeing Abrams tanks rolling down the street would send a thrill up my legTM.

But the Leftists who inhabit social media and cable news are clutching their pearls and howling like wounded poodles over the idea of having tanks rolling down the streets of Washington DC in an Independence Day parade.


Watching army tanks being hauled thru DC for Trump’s July 4 celebration is heartbreaking & repugnant. Join me via livestream tomorrow for a true celebration of who we are and what we stand for. http://Marianne2020.com  pic.twitter.com/slmLFNvr5309:58 AM – Jul 3, 2019

Heartbreaking and repugnant?

Come on Spiritual Barbie, tanks in a parade would be kick-ass!

I’m channeling so much love for tanks right now that I feel like friggin’ General Patton!


The resemblance to days before Tiananmen Square is chilling. https://twitter.com/msnbc/status/1146116590242545673 …

Oh, take the skirt off, Larry.


I was unaware that the M1A2 Abrams tank had a journalist-triggering forcefield system that sends any woke reporters within a 30-mile radius into panicked hysterics


33 Comments on Tanks in our Capital?! Oh, the HUMANITY!!!

  1. wonder what they’re gonna say when PDT declares a National Emergency (because the D’rats ‘woke’ him to the crisis) & puts those tanks on the Border?

  2. I have no doubt the liberal snowflakes are in total fear of anything that is strong enough to crush their little world that they have built out of propaganda, lies, bullshit and fear.

    Let the tanks roll, shout freedom from the roof tops, dispense the pursuit of happiness and make way for liberty to flow through the veins of those that love America and all it stands for.

  3. The tanks will be available to be climbed on by the children…
    I am glad I live in Arizona and cannot go, because I would look ridiculous as hell sitting on that tank with a bunch of little kids

  4. …my favorite Abrams moment was a broadcast by an “American” reporter that was on the IRAQI side while the armor was rolling on Baghdad. There was a highway going under an overpass at a right angle, and an Iraqi soldier visible at the edge of it. He ran over to the overpass, fired a burst at something under it, ran a short distance, fired again, then disappeared briefly because he went under the overpass.

    …only to come TEARING out from under it after just a minute, sans rifle, with a look of abject terror on his face as he ran towads the camera and out of frame.

    …probably because of the M1 tank that came out from under the same overpass at high speeds just after HE did.

    …I like to think of the look on his face as being shared by ALL the Iraqis as they watched the Americans advance, and I smile whenever I’ve see an Abrams ever since…

  5. ..If they’d like to drive one through the House of Representatives while it’s in session, they could eliminate one of the BIGGEST threats to America AND look good doing it, just sayin’…

  6. Oh, for the love of Bernard Montgomery, Lefties!

    We put up with the 57 varieties of rainbow-colored auto-erotica and glitter-covered public reach-arounds that you paraded through the streets of what was once America the Beautiful for the entire past month. Be grateful we don’t start doing this every day (although we probably SHOULD).

  7. And as far as tank treads ripping up asphalt, don’t worry about it. Tanks in parades are fitted with rubber-soled tracks. And the ground pressure exerted by tank treads is spread over a much wider area than a conventional vehicle: a 70 ton M1 Abrams tank exerts an average ground pressure of about 15psi, while a typical passenger car exerts about 28psi.

  8. The tanks are a great idea but I would also like to see a couple of fully loaded aircraft carriers.
    That may require a little extra ingenuity but the optics would be well worth it.

  9. If the POTUS sent everyone a thousand dollars, the left would fantasize some major problem with the event. That’s all the left has to do with their meager lives. We have a bigger chance of being hit by a stray planet than to actually hear the left say anything positive about our President. If they’re not complaining their not happy. What a waste to perpetually bad mouth everything in America.

  10. President Trump has raised his game, once again and the left goes ballistic. Meanwhile, many American patriots will remember this 4th of July DC parade 2019 and shout, “Tanks for the memories, Mr. Trump.” KAGA!

  11. TN Tuxedo almost nailed it. All tracked vehicle treads contact the ground with rubber pads. No such things as parade or road tracks. They do wear however and vehicles scheduled for parades will have the pads inspected and replaced if needed to minimize pavement damage.

    Bulldozers and some other earth moving equipment have steel treads that do not have these pads. Their ground pressure is much higher by design and would tear rubber contact pads off when they steer.

    All of which proves once again the media is blisteringly ignorant and never bothered to ask someone before spewing their dumb.


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