Tanzanian president fires minister for being drunk on the job – IOTW Report

Tanzanian president fires minister for being drunk on the job

DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) – Tanzania’s president has sacked his home affairs minister after he turned up to parliament and answered questions while under the influence of alcohol, the presidency said late on Friday.

tanzania elections

President John Magufuli, who took office in November, has promised to tackle corruption and inefficiency in government. He has sacked several senior officials for graft and cut spending he deemed wasteful, such as scrapping official Christmas cards.

Charles Kitwanga is the first minister to be fired since the cabinet’s appointment. Analysts said his sacking came as a surprise as he was widely viewed as being close to Magufuli.  more

5 Comments on Tanzanian president fires minister for being drunk on the job

  1. I always thought Tanzania was some ogre story black mamas told their spawn to keep them in check.

    “Shut da fuck up, Shaunqueefus! An sit da fuck down ‘fore I be sending yo black ass to Tanzania where dey rip you limb from limb an’ eat yo obnoxious ass!”

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