Tapper – No Ticker Tape Parade For Deserter Bergdhal – IOTW Report

Tapper – No Ticker Tape Parade For Deserter Bergdhal

If the truth is revealed, that this Bowe character is a deserter and cost American lives (in the immediate search effort), this will be the next discussion –

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34 Comments on Tapper – No Ticker Tape Parade For Deserter Bergdhal

  1. After five years as an apparent prisoner of the murderous Taliban, 28 year old infantryman Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the last known American POW in Afghanistan, was released on Saturday to the great joy of his parents, President Barack Hussein Obama, a thankful nation–and the Taliban.

    The elation of Bergdahl’s parents was obvious and expected: They finally had their son home again. The president was overjoyed that he finally had something to crow about: He could now say he really did care about the troops. The nation breathed a sigh of relief that a soldier so long imprisoned had finally been returned: We all could thank God for His munificence.

    The Taliban, who had sheltered and supported al-Qaeda before and after September 11th, 2001, was most delighted of all: They had scored a major victory, exchanging one American soldier with very questionable loyalties to his country for five of their most vicious Talibaners who had still been jailed in Guantanamo.

    Shortly after Bergdahl’s capture on June 30, 2009, Taliban commander Mulvi Sangeen gleefully claimed his troops grabbed the drunken American as he stumbled toward his car, an allegation disputed by the US military and Bergdahl later said he was captured while on patrol.

    Those accounts may be debatable. There’s a very strong possibility if not a probability that Bergdahl wasn’t drunk and he wasn’t “captured” but rather surrendered in a pre-arranged deal with one of America’s most committed enemies.

    Here’s the tweet, which Robert That plot thickens, starting with his father Robert Bergdahl who posted, then, coincidentally deleted on the very day his son was released, “I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen! (sic).”

    Apparently, good old dad cared a great deal about Afghan kids, the Gitmo terrorists like those freed, but not nearly so much for the security and policies of the country Bowe was serving.

    Using euphemisms instead of calling our military liars outright, Robert Bergdahl explained, “We were given a fictitious picture, an artificially created picture of what we were doing in ­Afghanistan,”

    As it turns out, long before his capture, the younger Bergdahl seemed to share the senior Bergdahl’s questionable loyalties.

    According to statements made to Rolling Stone in 2012 by former Spc. Jason Fry, a member of Sgt. Bergdahl’s platoon, “He spent more time with the Afghans than he did with his platoon.”

    At age 20, Bergdahl had attempted to join the French Foreign Legion, was rejected, became a drifter serving coffee at Zaney’s Coffee Shop near his home in Hailey, Idaho, and considered moving to Uganda to help militia-terrorized villagers before ultimately deciding to join the Army, dreaming of helping Afghan villagers, according to his father.

    Less circumspect than his dad, perhaps because he had already decided to become a renegade, Bowe reinforced Spc. Fry’s oblique suggestion that his fellow platoon member wasn’t exactly on America’s side when he emailed his parents just 3 three days before he was captured.

    In that communication, which may indicate that Sgt. Bergdahl anticipated his “capture” . . . http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=37473

  2. Desertion, giving aid and comfort to the enemy and putting American soldiers at risk – no, he just got to live five years longer than he should have.

  3. He should be standing before a firing squad.
    He won’t be, but he should be.

    The president should also be tried for treason.
    Again, he won’t be, but he should be.

  4. Grayscape –
    Yes, deserting your post in war is a death penalty offense. But I thought that was during the ACT of deserting your post. (i.e. come back or I’ll shoot you.)

    [Full disclosure: I have not served in the military, and greatly respect those who have.]

    Is there any benefit to shooting him now outside of cleansing the gene pool (Darwin 101)? (legitimate question.)


  5. I was thinking the same thing LG.
    They can post anonymously, but I’d like to hear their reasoning.
    Maybe this “Henry Fonda” can convince us eleven dumbasses as to why Bowe should be free and clear of punishment if convicted.
    Do they have special knowledge of his treatment in Afghanistan that we are unaware of?
    If he walked off base it was what he wanted to do, so how was being where he wanted to be a punishment?

  6. Sorry to poke my head up for the turkey shoot…

    I was one that voted ENOUGH.

    I’m NOT saying he goes free… but at this point what does shooting him accomplish.

    Willing to engage in reasonable debate. I respect the views expressed at IOTW.

  7. @Richard. What difference, at this point, does it make. Right? Are you channeling Hillary? It makes a difference to me. I think about the young men who died trying to rescue this deserter. I’m sure it makes a difference to their parents, but you won’t see them getting hugged in the Rose Garden. If you wonder why I feel so strongly about this, it’s because my brother spent many years training special ops for rapid search and rescue and also did time in Iraq.
    These are the guys who are sent to do the rescuing.

    This will explain what the Ghostriders are about.


  8. OH. MY. GAWD.

    I just heard myself say the equivalent of “what difference does it make” in my previous post.


    Gads. I need to go wash my mouth out.

  9. @ Richard It’s reported six men lost their lives looking for Bergdahl, if it’s true he deserted those hero’s blood is on his hands, five years is no where near long enough, add to the fact it’s reported he was playing badminton, drinking tea and celebrating holidays? What were those six doing and what about their families and loved ones?

  10. If the military investigation finds that deserted (I really hope this has fallen into the hands of officers that have a “Fuck You Sir” attitude when it comes to being intimidated into a whitewash) then the next question is whether the five years he was actually a prisoner or a defector. Hell, he could have started as a prisoner then shortly sided with them. This alleged escape attempt he made where he was beaten up could just be a BS story to start the process of building him cover for his return.
    In any event I want to see the military’s preliminary report. If it’s desertion and the military decides not to try him he’ll need a plastic surgeon and a new identity as there will be a lot of people after his ass.
    Obama may just end up regretting that photo op with this guys parents. He probably does already, I wonder who goes under the bus.

  11. He likely deserted. There’s no way those murderous thugs would have kept him that long unless they were getting something from him. He’s likely helped the enemy which is treason. Either way: shoot him, hang him, lethal injection, electrocute him, whatever.

  12. There’s never been a helluva lot of justice in this world, and in Obama’s Amerikkka, there’s even less.

    This filthy, treasonous, turncoat, sellout, bastard (Bergdhal, not Obama) will prolly have his own show on CNN or MSNBC in a year or so.

  13. Military equivalent of “Pajama Boy”. Kind of believed something was not quite right when Barry seemed very endearing to Bergdhal’s hipster parents. Anyone notice Pop Bergdhal had on a very bold blue tie at the press conference?

  14. @scr_north –

    “…This alleged escape attempt he made where he was beaten up could just be a BS story to start the process of building him cover for his return…”

    Read my Bullpen post “Bergdahl is rehearsing his story”, about that same theory.

  15. @jclady- Either that or she has eye crud giving her fits. Someone should give her some relaxation pills. Those portals to that, authentic blackness first, reality later, heart should be stabilized, no matter the political persuasion. It’s hard to look at that crap when you’re watching “news”.

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