Tapper Presses Slippery Hillary Aide Robby Mook on Sanctuary Cities – IOTW Report

Tapper Presses Slippery Hillary Aide Robby Mook on Sanctuary Cities

NB: He slips! He slides! He dodges every which way and even Jake Tapper can’t pin Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, down on whether she supports sanctuary cities.

To give Tapper credit, he tried to pin Mook down twice but the Clinton campaign manager managed to slip away without giving anything resembling a yes/no answer on this morning’s State of the Union on CNN. Before Mook was even finished uttering his first sentence you just knew there was no way he was going to really answer Tapper’s question.  MORE

11 Comments on Tapper Presses Slippery Hillary Aide Robby Mook on Sanctuary Cities

  1. they love the word “comprehensive”
    they describe everything they think as being “comprehensive”

    comprehensive plan
    comprehensive immigration reform

    “if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with bullshit.”

  2. the entire democrat party floats on a giant ocean of bullshit

    they’ve done it for so long, and have gotten away from it for so long, that it is an instinctive reaction and they have no second thoughts about the perception

    well, let’s see how the bullshit works tongight

  3. The problem with their floating on a giant ocean of bullshit, well put, is that eventually shit decomposes, stops floating and then Poof, they sink into the abyss…too bad those brainiacs (they think themselves to be) haven’t followed that fact through to its Comprehensive and factual conclusion. As to the Clinton cartel doing fact checks on Trump tonight, but not her, shows their degree of desperation. No matter what they say, no matter how they spin their lies, the majority of we voters KNOW BETTER now.

  4. The republican party HAS been their life raft.

    The establishment Republicans are the lowest of the low. They will stand in front of you and tell you bald faced lie after bald faced lie. The Democrats will lie about where their policies will lead, but they don’t lie to their constituency base about how they will vote

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