Tara Reade, Biden Assault Accuser, Returns to U.S. From Russia to Press Charges – IOTW Report

Tara Reade, Biden Assault Accuser, Returns to U.S. From Russia to Press Charges

Moscow Times: Tara Reade, the U.S. woman who moved to Russia after accusing President Joe Biden of sexual assault, said she has returned to the U.S. to press charges against the incumbent running for re-election. 

Reade said during the 2020 presidential race that then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted her on Capitol Hill in August 1993 while she was working in Biden’s congressional office. Biden categorically denied Reade’s claim.

In May 2023, she appeared in Moscow asking President Vladimir Putin for Russian citizenship in a press conference organized by state-run media, claiming that a Republican Congressman had warned her she was in physical danger. more

10 Comments on Tara Reade, Biden Assault Accuser, Returns to U.S. From Russia to Press Charges

  1. Say what?
    MONDAY, 22 JULY 2024, 9:37 AT 9:37 AM
    “I’m empathetic with your plight Tara Reade but it just may come to accepting that the man tormenting you has been reduced to a vegetable.”

    Oh, she’s going to get tormented, all right, but I am NO man. I’m now going to have LOTS of free time and LOTS of anger, and Joe doesn’t know NEARLY as much about tormenting people as I do, I AM a doctor you know and DON’T YOU FORGET IT or you’re NEXT.

  2. Back in the days of the USSR, when a leader was driven out of office they were accused of a litany of heinous acts. The Democrats are in a deep hole. They will have to find excuses as to why things are as bad as they are. Even if a Democrat is elected President in November, Biden is going to be accused of crime after crime after crime. Since he will have died of COVID by then, they aren’t really going to hurt him. (However, Hunter, sans the big guy, will be in deep you-know-what.)

  3. I guess she didn’t get Biden’s memo in time.

    Wonder who else will be gathering ’round to incentivise his departure. …and how many mainstream journalists will suddenly be interested in their stories…


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