Tara Reade is demanding a ‘real investigation’ into her claims against Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Tara Reade is demanding a ‘real investigation’ into her claims against Joe Biden

DailyMailUK: Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade calls for him to ‘follow Cuomo and resign’ and demands a ‘REAL investigation’ into her claims to ‘expose the corruption of protecting predators’.

Tara Reade demanded shortly after Governor Andrew Cuomo‘s resignation on Tuesday that her sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden be fully investigated and that the president also step down.

‘My heart is with the brave Cuomo survivors who endured attempts to discredit them like I did coming forward about Joe Biden with the help of nonprofits that were supposed to help women like Time’s Up,’ Reade told Fox News.

‘May there be some measure of justice for the survivors,’ she added.

‘Now, let’s call for a real investigation into Joe Biden and expose the corruption protecting powerful predators.’

The 57-year-old revealed last year her accusation that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 in a Capitol Hill office when she was a Senate staffer. MORE

11 Comments on Tara Reade is demanding a ‘real investigation’ into her claims against Joe Biden

  1. Good luck finding an honest investigation department anywhere in the US. Check with the Jan 6th protesters to see how its worked for them. It will be a long long time doing that trick.

  2. Tara, go to Kamala. She said she believed you. Not that she’s competent to get anything done, and assuming she did a 180 on her round heels the moment the Biden handlers picked her. But you should make her squirm & cackle anyway.

  3. So why is this sleepy, creepy, crooked, lying, blustering, bragging, cheating, loathsome, amoral, useless, greedy grinning Imbecile so untouchable?

    Because he is the figurehead of the Communist network running things behind the scenes!

  4. If an investigation occurs, it will be a sham. The DOJ and FBI are filled with political hacks. They are in place to protect the elite and are focused on white privileges, white rage and those citizens who dares to walk on the polished capitol floors on 1/6.
    Justice denied.

  5. If an investigation occurs, it will be a sham. The DOJ and FBI are filled with political hacks. They are in place to protect the elite and are focused on white privileges, white rage and those citizens who dares to walk on the polished capitol floors on 1/6.
    Justice denied.

  6. I believe Tara Reade, and I’d bet that there are several other women who were subjected to the same shameful treatment by Creepy Joe, but they were more compliant than she was.

  7. Just like in the case of Ugly Rodham Clinton the FBI will pronounce him guilty as hell but let him off because he didn’t know that what he was doing was wrong, and besides, “What the hell difference does it make now””!


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