Tara Reade is more credible than the NY Times – IOTW Report

Tara Reade is more credible than the NY Times

Patriot Retort: In an effort to explain its wildly inconsistent reporting between Tara Reade and Christine Blasey Ford, the New York Times is making matters worse for itself.

There’s an episode of “Major Crimes” (or it might have been “The Closer”) when the murderer is finally caught and he begins to “explain” himself.  One character, I can’t remember who, half-jokingly remarks that “he’s going to explain himself onto Death Row.”

That’s what the New York Times is doing here.

In its attempt to make excuses for dismissing Tara Reade while covering for the Biden campaign, the Times is explaining away whatever thin shred of credibility it has left. read more

7 Comments on Tara Reade is more credible than the NY Times

  1. “Never apologize;
    Never explain.”

    There’s a REASON for that!

    If anyone is still in doubt (after ~90 years) that the NYT is a propaganda rag, then he’s too stupid to help – you can’t explain it away.

    izlamo delenda est …


    If you care, you know that the Russian intelligence agency runs the NYT, AND IT HAS BEEN AMERICA’S PRAVDA (with much less TRUTH) for 80 years.
    Ownership changed but managers no.

    Maybe a close 2nd is the KBG’s WaPost. Again new owners but same Russians


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