Target asks customers to not open carry in their stores – IOTW Report

Target asks customers to not open carry in their stores

From Target

…starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law.


I guess it’s time to go and open carry in Target today.

h/t  FDR in Hell

35 Comments on Target asks customers to not open carry in their stores

  1. Let’s see, I’m a terrorist bastard/thief/community organizer and I want to cause a ruckus and get on TV and be in flash mobs that steal everything and cause general mayhem.
    Where do I go do this where some Red Neck Tea Partying Bastard won’t blow a hole in me?
    With a name like Target, and that corporate logo?
    They probably want to revisit this idea.

  2. If I had the power to amend the Constitution, one of the first things I would do is make it damn clear that every one of us has freedom of association; that is, you can have anyone in your store—or ban anyone—that you damn well please, for any reason, or no reason. If you want to have a bar that’s just for white people, no problem. A bar for black people, fine. A restaurant for bikers, knock yourself out.

    So I’m with Target on this; if they don’t want you in there, it’s their right. But I’m with Lazlo too…I’ll take my money somewhere else. I don’t go anywhere me & my little friends aren’t welcome.

  3. Here we go. First of all if you took a conceal carry course, your instructor should have told you that if a store owner asks you not to carry in their establishment, don’t be a jerk and defy their request. If you don’t like the store’s policy tell them or don’t shop there, but don’t be stupid and walk around with a scary looking weapon slung over your shoulder or a large caliber pistol hung from your belt. I guarantee you that if you are missing front teeth the news media will interview you and you will be highlighted on the evening news.

  4. Buffalobob, I didn’t want to be the first. Your exactly right. Why do you think you need to open carry in Target? What the lingerie going to attack your ass? If I’m a bad guy and you are carrying open I;m just going to shoot you first. If I witnessed some peckerwood carry an AR slung over his shoulder it would make me nervous and I sell them. I don’t get it. Why stir shit up?

  5. I only go to Target as a last resort anyway.

    They call it “concealed carry” for a reason– so the store manager can’t see it. O/W it’s not concealed (by Florida law anyway).
    And only jerks open carry anyway, like wearing their dick on the outside.

  6. I agree with you folks entirely…

    for those who do/did shop there, and would consider doing so again if they change their policy, it would be more effective to at least visit the customer service counter once and TELL THEM in no uncertain terms why you aren’t patronizing their chain anymore until they do.

  7. Gotta love those attention whores, “It’s my right to go where ever I want with my AK/AR slung over my shoulder!”

    You stupid fux the bad guys KNOW you are armed and won’t confront you…you dumb shit they’ll cap your lame ass from a distance and steal YOUR weapons.

    Target didn’t say shit about CONCEALED CARRY!

  8. 1.). It’s Target’s store, they should have right to refuse entry to anyone they want for whatever reason they want. I have the right to take my business elsewhere.

    2.). I’m getting a little tired of the open -carry crowd. They are doing a disservice to the second amendment supporters.

  9. I guess I see things just a little differently; I agree that carrying open serves no useful purpose and, in today’s culture, alarms a lot of bedwetters so I don’t. And, as has been mentioned, the bad guy just snipes you out first. But I also see why there are a few on the fringe who do just to keep the argument moved that direction a little.

    It’s like the gungrabbers arguing that they aren’t after firearms that are used for “legitimate sporting purposes” or “hunting.” It doesn’t matter; the second amendment says “shall not be infringed!” I carry a .45 ACP at all times and have an AR handy most of the time, and neither is there for sport or hunting…I damn sure don’t want some pansy telling me when and where I can carry.

    I don’t know if I’m making myself clear—my point is that if the open carry guys want to carry openly, I think it’s foolish, but, damnit, it’s their right and I don’t think we are helping our own argument by aligning with the commies against them. I mean, hell, I think a grown man with a pony tail is foolish too, and you won’t see one on me, but I’d side with him against anyone who was trying to say he couldn’t.

  10. But… the polls say more liberals shop at Target than WalMart, so there are more targets at Target. Just cuz they don’t like guns doesn’t mean liberals are immune to lead poisoning.

  11. Oh, yeah: I forgot to mention why I’m a WalMart kinda guy: They sell guns AND ammo and love their carrying customers.

    I am truly on a first name basis with almost half of the employees of my local SuperCenter.

  12. My employer told me not to travel to work with a gun, because they didn’t want it on their property when I arrived there. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  13. Costco has a sign saying no guns. I told a very muscular young black man who was checking Costco cards at the entry that I didn’t like the policy because it makes all of us sitting targets.

    He looked at me thoughtfully and agreed. Now this young mad surely isn’t going to change store policy, but the next time he hears the left’s b.s. on guns, he will think.

    One conservative logical thought might lead to other conservative thoughts or considerations.

    We should all take the time to voice our logical conservative thoughts.

    After viewing the movie AMERICA today, I had to run into Walgreens and the grocery store. I pretty sure that I convinced one women in each of the stores to go see the movie this weekend.

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