Target Loses 12 Bil In 2 Weeks – IOTW Report

Target Loses 12 Bil In 2 Weeks

Pacific Pundit-
Which corporation will be next? After Target obviously didn’t learn a thing from the Bud Light fiasco, other woke companies like Kohls, Petsmart and Chick-fil-A are looking to pick up the slack. The groomers at Target are now down $12 billion in value in just two weeks since going groomer against kids. more

27 Comments on Target Loses 12 Bil In 2 Weeks

  1. Today starts,”The month of blasphemy, perversion, and biblical appropriation”.

    It is not by accident that the sodomites, queers, and child predators chose the rainbow as their symbol. It is their attempt to marginalize their creator by appropriating that image. Not only a promise to the people that he would never again destroy the earth by flood but it is also used many times to signify God’s reach/power, his regalness, and is used as a metaphor for faith, for the enduring gifts of God’s grace and mercy.

    This is the month that we need to be vocal and judicious with our consumer dollars. These woke companies must feel the pain, the loss of profits, and the wrath of normal moral people that push back and voice their displeasure.

  2. Get a load of this headline:

    Column: Right-wing hatemongers count on the cowardice of companies such as Target

    Other words used in article: mob of anti-LGBTQ+ reactionaries, stupid and specious attack, citing physical threats, right wing to demonize, toxic, right-wing acolytes and all of them equally factitious, only straight white males count in this U.S. of A., anti-queer militants, noxious behavior, profoundly un-American…

    Oh for fuck sake, I can’t do this anymore. The list goes on for a while. These goons are literally off their rocker.

    It’s OKAY when “they” boycott things though, it’s considered righteous and brave….

    Difference is when they boycott things, they don’t actually spend their money at those places, but expect other people to boycott for them.

    The power of the consumer to these left-wing hate mongers is terrorism, anti-democratic to vote with your wallet, and anti-American. Amazing.

  3. Speaking of the leftist takeover we’re viewing in real time, on another board some leftists are bitching about the backlash against child-grooming porn in libraries. They whined about censorship, etc. So predictable, so boring.

    So I butted in to ask if there are any mainstream (non-porn) films they think children should never be allowed to see (because if there are, by their own measure they too are engaging in censorship by limiting what children cannot see).

    They refused to answer.

    Either they saw the simple, obvious logic trap and skirted it…or they are so depraved that there AREN’T any films they wouldn’t want a kid to see, but don’t have the guts to admit it out loud.

  4. The mutual fund companies are behind a lot of this and they even admitted it in an interview. They can make companies do whatever they want and what they want is perverted. Get your money out of mutual funds if you’re serious.

  5. geoff the aardvark
    AT 10:27 AM
    “What in the world does gay pride have to do with animals?”

    …it’s because they want to “legalize” beastiality too. That’s the problem with kicking over the traces of civilization, sticking your middle finger in the face of God, and being turned over to a reprobate mind.

    Once you start sinning, its hard to tell when to stop.

    “when one does evil it’s madness to stop halfway. The extremity of crime has a certain delirium of joy”
    -Victor Hugo, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”

    Sin is sin. God doesn’t do
    degrees. Once His Word is refused and men supplant love for Him with lust for one another, it doesn’t really matter what fornication they use to try to fill the void in their soul, all of it makes them vile in the eyes of the Lord.

  6. ecp,
    Big difference between left & right, it’s just that the left are too blinded by their own ideology (=>idolatry=>religion) to see their own hypocrisy.
    When the left doesn’t like something => looting, rioting, burning, maiming, injuring, killing….
    When the right doesn’t like something => withdraw consent to support by not spending money, not going there. NOTE: no physical damage to anyone/anything (so far). BUT a “window war” can (should) erupt at any time.
    (pssst…be sure to wear plain black clothes and face mask. PantyFag has shown the way.)

    A “window war” isn’t limited to just the local HQ of the UniWing political parties……just saying.

  7. Marooned AT 10:57 AM
    “Again, it does NOT matter until the CEO is forced to explain to shareholders why dividends must be reduced.”

    …the legal concept of “Fiduciary Duty” went out the window when the Democrats took over the courts.

    Communism doesn’t try to make money.

    Communism only tries to crush souls.

    And no price is too high to pay for the Communist to destroy their enemies.

    And WE are their enemies.

    “Control the coinage and the courts—let the rabble have the rest.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

    …they have accomplished that very well. They largely control both and with one more election steal and the implementation of digital currency, they will control them utterly.

    That’s when they will start purging us in earnest.

    See the Holodomor, the Cultural Revolution, the Armenian Genocide, the Kazakh famine, North Korea’s penchant for starving its citizens into submission, Somolia, and everywhere else starvation is a weapon for further details.

    Also See: Revelation/Apocalypse 13.
    “16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

    …against this as a goal, they aren’t really going to worry about a shareholder proxy fight.


  8. This is competitive free market capitalism at work. Present an idea to the marketplace. If it’s a good idea money will be made. If it’s a bad idea, money will be lost. That said, who in their right frickin mind thought pandering to parasites would make money? Heads need to roll. Board members need to be fired and sued. Enough of this shit.

  9. Unfortunately, finding an alternative store comes down to who sucks less, since they ALL suck one way or the other.
    Home Depot, for instance, needs to fire their entire website team and hire someone who knows WTF.
    WalMart has a decent web site, but it’s WalMart.
    Most of the department stores that were around when I was a kid, and actually provided good selection & service with quality merchandise, are only a memory now.

  10. What’s sad for all these woke companies is that I (and lots of others) won’t forget the blasphemy until they turn 180 degrees around. Then maybe, or maybe not, I’ll visit their stores again.


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