Target sues man who saved girl from her attacker – IOTW Report

Target sues man who saved girl from her attacker

“Suing Michael Turner is just Target’s way of trying to blame someone else for what happened under their own roof,” an attorney for the Meadows family said, “The family certainly doesn’t blame Mr. Turner and they are thankful he was there that day.”

The Federalist: Michael Turner saved a 16-year-old girl from being stabbed to death, and Target wants him to apologize for it.

In 2013, Michael Turner saved the life of a 16-year-old girl who had been viciously attacked and stabbed in a Target store in Pennsylvania. And instead of thanking him for protecting its customers and preventing them from being murdered, Target is now suing him for his heroism and alleging he acted irresponsibly.

The attacker, Leon Walls, was convicted of attempted homicide for stabbing then-16-year-old Allison Meadows in 2013.

Security footage from the store shows Walls grabbing Meadows and stabbing her before Turner tackles the knife-wielding perp and chases him out of the store with a baseball bat.  more here

h/t Paco Enterprises

SNIP: I guess that bullseye is meant for Target’s customers.

15 Comments on Target sues man who saved girl from her attacker

  1. If hell ever has a cold day I wouldn’t step into Target for a coat. I always thought people who wore their clothing seemed light in the loafers anyway, and now we see they are.

  2. Their business is down 5% since they opened up their bathrooms to the mutants and their CEO announced he thought it had nothing to do with the bathroom decision. It won’t be long before this guy loses his job.

  3. Something to be aware of, not that it means Target mgt aren’t a bunch of bleeding butt-holes: Being a publicly traded company means that they pretty much have to jump through these nasty legal hoops in order not to be sued by the handful of lawyers who specialize in stock holder lawsuits on companies that fail to “maximized return on shareholder value.”

    Unfortunately, brain-dead jurists have established a de facto definition of that term, bogus to be sure, that is good for their job security in that it encourages not just lawsuits, but class action lawsuits, which bring huge flows of money into the bank accounts of lawyers and everybody else who has anything to do with such (un)civil suits.

  4. Look at their logo! If anything’s a hate crime, judging from Gabby Giffords’ past ordeal & all that followed it in the media…I mean what the fuck! A target? Really? In this day & age? A target?!

  5. they definitely need a new CEO. Or whoever it is making these decisions.

    Don’t forget they got hacked not long ago. According to the book “Future Crimes” their IT system was very poorly designed and one breach of an office PC let the hackers get full run of their entire operation, including the point of sale PCs.

    Then the bathroom fiasco. Now this lawsuit.

    It’s almost as if someone at the top is bucking for a position within the Hillary administration.

  6. I guess if I’m going to do any acts of heroism, anywhere, anytime, it will be anonymously.

    Oh, and to the “Tar-zhae” upper management, and the 98% of lawyers (who give the remaining 2% a bad reputation), do the earth and the environment a favor and suck start a shotgun.

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