Target to Close 9 Stores in 4 States: Cites Theft – IOTW Report

Target to Close 9 Stores in 4 States: Cites Theft

NEW YORK (AP) — Target will close nine store in four states, including one in East Harlem, New York and three in San Francisco, saying that theft and organized retail crime have threatened the safety of its workers and customers.

The closings, which will be effective Oct. 21, also include three stores in Portland, Oregon, and two in Seattle. Target said that it still will have a combined 150 stores open in the markets where the closures are taking place. Target will offer affected workers the opportunity to transfer to other stores.

Target described the decision as “difficult.”

“We know that our stores serve an important role in their communities, but we can only be successful if the working and shopping environment is safe for all,” Target said in a statement on Tuesday.

Before making the decision, Target said it had invested heavily in strategies to prevent and stop theft such as adding more security team workers, using third-party guard services and installing theft deterrent tools like locking up merchandise. It also has trained store leaders and security team members to protect themselves and de-escalate potential safety issues. But it noted that despite those efforts, it continued to face “fundamental challenges” to operate the stores safely — and the business performance at these locations was unsustainable. more

14 Comments on Target to Close 9 Stores in 4 States: Cites Theft

  1. I worked in retail for a bunch of years. Security wasn’t my job but if someone lit out stealing stuff we all enjoyed chasing after them, both for the thrill of the hunt (lots of times they’d try to hide under trailers or behind dumpsters) and because we were backed up by the company, the law, and actual cops. It was a common practice back in the day for major retailers to employ off-duty LEO as their Loss Prevention Officers, which worked out pretty well as it gave the police officers an easy side hustle, gave the company an already trained person with ACTUAL arrest powers who obviously had no problem interfacing with local PDs, and put makefactors on notice that the company wasn’t playing and they would visit a police station if they tried to steal stuff. LEO was also not demonized at the time, the SHOPLIFTERS were, and the press if they noticed at all (they typically didn’t) would only say someone got arrested for stealing stuff and that would be the end of it.

    Damn good thing they had cops too. For awhile when I worked for Sears starting in the late ’80s they paid by live check AND you could IMMEDIATELY take your check over to a small window in the HR area where they would give you CASH for it. This meant they had enough cash on hand on paydays to cash HUNDREDS of checks and HUNDREDS of low-paid people KNEW it.

    And yet they didn’t get robbed.

    Probably because everyone ALSO knew the actual police officer would shoot them, and HE’D be the hero, NOT THEM.

    That worked.

    Villifying the police and lionizing the robbers does not.

    And until and unless these folks figure that out again, this will only get worse until only the government runs stores in the cities, just like the Communists want it.

    Look up the history of Soviet era GUM stores for information on how well THAT works…

    Then the company decided that it could hire teenage girls cheaper than actual cops, someone started counting arrested noses by color, and layers started going after major retailers with gusto with civil suits.

  2. when stores close in the hood, the feral animals will venture out to the burbs to steal
    check your surroundings before you enter/exit … even in your own driveway/garage
    that simp in CT was lucky they didn’t pop a cap in his ass

  3. In Portland, the main source of crime was concentrated in the central city. So the local government bought up property in the burbs while shutting down large amounts of Portland’s inner-city section 8 housing. Target, being the good liberal democrats they are, built stores in the area criminals were relocated to. The politically protected section 8 residents manifested their gratitude by making Target stores too dangerous to go near. Eff Target and FJB.

  4. Dadof4 WEDNESDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 2023, 10:09 AT 10:09 AM
    “They should also let the “affected workers” grab what they can on the way out,

    Seems fair.”

    …it’s not the Democrat way to in any manner help people who actually work for a living or are in actual need.

    Unrestrained theft is a perk for brownshirts ONLY.

    The disposessed workers can apply for Government handouts and will get their bugs in due course once they realize that they are wrong for trying to live without the State being their provider and learn to vote accordingly.

  5. I was at a pizza place next to the target store by the UW. As the bartender was telling me about the daily robberies that occur at that target two cop cars came roaring up,sirens blaring. She went out to see what had happened & they’d been robbed at gunpoint once again. Seattle is an absolute trash heap now.


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