Tavis Smiley Talking Fast and Forceful and Ignorantly – IOTW Report

Tavis Smiley Talking Fast and Forceful and Ignorantly

Billo tries to talk sense into the solid coconut head of Tavis Smiley about gun deaths at the hands of  police.

Billo uses statistics to show that 3 times as many whites as blacks were killed by police in 2012, but still Tavis will have none of it. And he characterizes all the decedents as “precious children.”

Ya, sure Tavis… they were all precious Michael Brown was cuddly cute, special, rare and irreplaceable.


17 Comments on Tavis Smiley Talking Fast and Forceful and Ignorantly

  1. Not to get off-topic, but Tavis says at the end , “There are more whites folks than blacks but for not too much longer.”

    What does he mean by this? Are we going to be taken over by African nations?

  2. And then they said, “We have given and offered to you welfare, food, phones, healthcare, daycare, school choice and you have rejected us.

    Now you want a “no arrest, get out of jail free card”. Yep, because the illegal aliens got the same.

    This is one stupid administration.

  3. Oh and as I keep pointing out, the faster they talk the more they are lying. My favorite is Marc Lamont-Hill. The faster he talks the more he is shovelling the BS. Always recite their credentials and will never talk about black abortion.

  4. The statistics mentioned by O’Reilley. He failed to back that up with the statistics on percentages, which are substantially more profound. By a lot.

    The Black mouthpieces and racial industry love to highlight at convenience when a Black is killed by a cop but you don’t hear the same outcry when a White is killed by a Black thug.

    Any of these Leftist and racial ‘spoke people’ always point the finger to every race but their own. It’s never their fault.

    These race baiters and misguided activist are the most glaring reason racism has become an industry.

  5. I taught plenty of good Black kids in my 31 years as an Educator. But now days only thugs and criminals are celebrated.
    Sorry ass world we are living now, and it’s
    getting worse by the day!

  6. If black ‘cheeldren’ like Michael Brown are ‘so precious’ to Travis McMeatball then he should adopt as many as possible by all means.

    It’s not like he’d have any competition as father figure.

  7. Is there a race of people who have done more for blacks than white people?

    Note to Travis: you’re still a minority after white people are gone, and the new majority has always hated every iota of you.

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