TAX EVERYTHING: LA to FINE Property Owners Who ‘Leave Homes Empty,’ Force Them to House Homeless – IOTW Report

TAX EVERYTHING: LA to FINE Property Owners Who ‘Leave Homes Empty,’ Force Them to House Homeless


City officials in Los Angeles are considering a new ‘Empty-Home Penalty’ that would impose serious fines on home owners who leave “houses empty,” a move aimed to force landlords into housing the region’s escalating homeless population.

“Just when you think things in the city of Los Angeles couldn’t be any more dysfunctional, they manage to take the cake yet again. The City Council is seriously kicking around a new tax on property owners for leaving homes vacant,” reports the Los Angeles Daily News.

“City Councilmen Mike Bonin, Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Paul Koretz and David Ryu have asked city staffers to come up with a plan for an ‘empty homes penalty’ or vacancy tax,” adds the newspaper.

“No bed in this city should be empty when people are being forced to sleep on pavement. … Empty-home penalties encourage landlords to keep people housed, and they help raise needed funds to create more affordable housing. This is an important tool for addressing one of the root causes of homelessness in L.A., and it is a step we desperately need to take,” Bonin said.

Countless residents across Los Angeles are signing a new petition to recall Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti over his failed handling of the city’s homeless crisis; citing rat infestations, tent cities, and snarled traffic across the region.

“I think we are living in third world conditions that are a threat to public health here in Los Angeles, and we have a mayor who is completely ignorant of that and he is an abysmal failure,” said petition supporter Alexandra Datig.

“We have this position in the city of Los Angeles where our leaders seem to think that it’s okay to leave people on the street to die, just whistling past the graveyard. We have had over 3600 people dying on the streets of Los Angeles in the past five years,” she added. more here

24 Comments on TAX EVERYTHING: LA to FINE Property Owners Who ‘Leave Homes Empty,’ Force Them to House Homeless

  1. citizen ownership of property is one of the basic tenants of the US Constitution & capitalism

    … demonRats naturally, with all their hearts & souls, oppose such tenants in every way possible … pure totalitarian evil

    history repeats … & repeats … & repeats …

  2. Tax…tachs…tacks…

    I wonder how many tacks you can drive into the skull of a Los Angeles city official before xe loses consciousness? Incurs permanent brain damage? Maybe begins to think like a normal person?

  3. Accelerating the Ferrari straight off the cliff…this will help the mass exodus. Pretty soon the state will be insolvent due to the mental idiotic arrogance of the power elite who don’t have to live by the rules they impose on the little people.

  4. what is the time span that determines that a house is sitting empty? Does it rule our someone having a second home, that is seasonally used? I have questions about compensation, too. Or is it assumed that the empty house would be provided, gratis, to someone who stopped to shit on the sidewalk as they moved in with their shopping carts? Taking without consent or compensation is the definition of theft. So, is the city to determine the rate of compensation? Rent control el grande. Good luck evicting them if they move in. Maybe set the rent unrealistically high, and if they meet it, just let them do it and buy another house. Repeat as needed. WIll the city take over maintenance and insurances for the property? They’re crazy.
    Why the fuck does anyone want to live there?

  5. Since Nancy Pelosi’s house is empty (not to mention her head) several days a week because she is in DC, usher the homeless into her digs while she’s not there. From the looks of it, her house could hold at least a couple of dozen poor, downtrodden individuals at any given time.

    I’m guessing that Gavin Newsom also has a house that is empty too since he probably resides in the “Governor’s mansion” most of the time. If not, let ’em stay in the Governor’s mansion instead.

    This might be a great way to make the Hollywood “stars” put their money where their mouth is. While they’re filming on location, just move a bunch of homeless people in.

  6. So what if you go on vacation for a couple of weeks and come back to find your house taken over by illegal squatters? Are you going to have to hire a house sitter just to make sure that no one takes over your house while you’re gone? And if you’re an idiot and post on Fake book that you’re on vacation, does that mean your house is now fair game to anyone and everyone who wants to take it over while you’re gone.

  7. Many EU countries have laws that enable squatting. Vacation homes are a favorite target, but people who have left for lengthy vacations, hospital stays, etc., have come home to strangers occupying their home, with little recourse. It’s a progressive fad, so it will be adopted here by progressive leaders.

    Giving homes to the “homeless” will not solve the “homeless” problem. It isn’t about housing. It is about substance abuse, mental health and crime.

    Un-affordable housing in California and elsewhere is more a function of the finance sector enabling the speculative bubble. If people can’t afford the house, it is overpriced. The bank should not be lending money for overpriced homes. If they have to offer 40+ year mortgages with insanely easy terms — to start (knowing the borrower will default as soon as the easy terms expire), they are feeding the problem.

    Attacking property rights is a major factor in any progressive utopian ideal. Urban planners have always lamented their inability to implement/enforce their well-controlled utopias because of home ownership. The rulers of the utopia must have the ability to move people where and when needed.

    Utopias are always about being in someone else’s utopia. What you want or need — not so important.

  8. “No bed in this city should be empty when people are being forced to sleep on pavement.” Who or what is “forcing” them to sleep on the street?

  9. Someone needs to ask bernie sanders how he feels about this- he has at least 2 empty houses.
    I’ll give them a dollar if they ask him about this on camera.


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