Tax-Funded Anti-Poverty Groups Pay Their CEOs Huge Salaries – IOTW Report

Tax-Funded Anti-Poverty Groups Pay Their CEOs Huge Salaries

DailyCaller: Top officials with 14 anti-poverty nonprofits were paid as much as $869,900 as their organizations were enriched with $900 million of taxpayer money, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s (TheDCNF) Investigative Group has found.

The activist groups received as much as 85 percent of their revenue from federal, state and local governments and collectively spent millions on lobbying, TheDCNF’s analysis found. Also, half of the charities’ CEOs made political contributions – nearly all of which was to Democratic candidates.

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15 Comments on Tax-Funded Anti-Poverty Groups Pay Their CEOs Huge Salaries

  1. This is probably the number one reason sociopathic politicians run for office. Deal favors and cash to “charities, NGOs, non-profits” in exchange for votes and “donations” to the DNC.

    What a galactic scam.

  2. Dirty little secret since 1787: There’s money in gubmint and servicin’ the peeples.

    It’s why we have a landed gentry with the mandate to rule even though our founders didn’t see it that way. Cockroaches have always headed to DC to build nests and grow huge colonies supported by parasites called lobbyists.

    And public funded programs are run by predators who want to be paid or they turn in the ruling class for the deals that have been made.

    Been there – seen how it’s done. Left lucrative gubmint job when I could no long look at self in mirror because I felt so good about how many peeples I was helping.

  3. Right up there with politicians advocating $15 min wage while paying their own staff far less. Or paying university professors huge salaries while targeting CEOs of public companies for ridicule. But these people are doing so much good they deserve their big tax dollar payouts.

  4. Who says the rat-people are worthless?
    Always a way to profit from others’ suffering.
    Anti-Poverty Scam – the Scam that Scams the Scammers.

    Sort of a “Race-Hustling Poverty-Pimp” Parade.

    Revrum Al to the courtesy phone!
    Revrum Jesse to the courtesy phone in Revrum Al’s ass!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. While these groups rely both on Public and Private money to run in a very real way most of it is government because they are all tax exempt and private ponations are tax deductible removing tax revenue from the government (essencially the government pays the charity the taxes it would have collected on the amount donated which depending on the accountant could be huge).

    Because of this the feds ought to tinker with the laws around charities to control the high end salaries and perks awarded to these adminstrative people that run these organizations. Perhaps capping the maximum salary of the ceo of a charity helping the poor at 10 times the average poverty income for a family of 4 and that would also include the value of any perks like a car or gas allowance, or health plan. Expense acounts that are capped at a maximum per month unless the approved by the board for a special trip or event. You could do all this and the ceo’s of these charities could still make a good salary, the charities could still attract good people and more money would be available to do good.

  6. Leftists always say they’re Out To Do Good.

    I’ve always said Leftists are Out To Do Well For Themselves.

    This article proves it.

  7. We are kind of acquaintances with two people that love to flaunt that they are high income and have money to waste.
    They each have $3xx,xxx incomes.
    Neither is especially well educated.
    They are both officers in a charity.
    A charity pays this one couple almost $700,000 per year.
    I don’t donate to any charity with that kind of management.

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